import { useEffect, useCallback, useRef, useMemo } from 'react';
import { Container, Col, Row, Spinner } from 'react-bootstrap';
import { MoorhenWebMG } from './webMG/MoorhenWebMG';
import { createLocalStorageInstance, parseAtomInfoLabel } from '../utils/utils';
import { MoorhenCommandCentre } from "../utils/MoorhenCommandCentre";
import { MoorhenTimeCapsule } from '../utils/MoorhenTimeCapsule';
import { Backdrop } from "@mui/material";
import { isDarkBackground } from '../WebGLgComponents/mgWebGL'
import { MoorhenNavBar } from "./navbar-menus/MoorhenNavBar"
import { MoorhenModalsContainer } from './misc/MoorhenModalsContainer';
import { moorhen } from '../types/moorhen';
import { webGL } from '../types/mgWebGL';
import { MoorhenPreferencesContainer } from './misc/MoorhenPreferencesContainer';
import { useSelector, useDispatch } from 'react-redux';
import { setDefaultBackgroundColor, setBackgroundColor, setHeight, setIsDark, setWidth } from '../store/sceneSettingsSlice';
import { setCootInitialized, setTheme, toggleCootCommandExit, toggleCootCommandStart } from '../store/generalStatesSlice';
import { setEnableAtomHovering, setHoveredAtom } from '../store/hoveringStatesSlice';
import { setRefinementSelection } from '../store/refinementSettingsSlice';
import { MoorhenSnackBarManager } from '../components/snack-bar/MoorhenSnackBarManager';
import MoorhenReduxStore from '../store/MoorhenReduxStore';
import { SnackbarProvider } from 'notistack';
import { MoorhenGoToResidueSnackbar } from './snack-bar/MoorhenGoToResidueSnackbar';
import { MoorhenRecordingSnackBar } from './snack-bar/MoorhenRecordingSnackBar'
import { MoorhenResidueSelectionSnackBar } from './snack-bar/MoorhenResidueSelectionSnackBar';
import { MoorhenAcceptRejectDragAtomsSnackBar } from './snack-bar/MoorhenAcceptRejectDragAtomsSnackBar';
import { MoorhenAcceptRejectRotateTranslateSnackBar } from './snack-bar/MoorhenAcceptRejectRotateTranslateSnackBar';
import { MoorhenAcceptRejectMatchingLigandSnackBar } from './snack-bar/MoorhenAcceptRejectMatchingLigandSnackBar';
import { MoorhenLongJobSnackBar } from './snack-bar/MoorhenLongJobSnackBar';
import { MoorhenResidueStepsSnackBar } from './snack-bar/MoorhenResidueStepsSnackBar';
import { MoorhenUpdatingMapsManager, MoorhenUpdatingMapsSnackBar } from './snack-bar/MoorhenUpdatingMapsSnackBar';
import { MoorhenModelTrajectorySnackBar } from './snack-bar/MoorhenModelTrajectorySnackBar';
import { MoorhenTomogramSnackBar } from './snack-bar/MoorhenTomogramSnackBar';
import { MoorhenMapContourLevelSnackBar } from './snack-bar/MoorhenMapContourLevelSnackBar';
import { MoorhenRotamerChangeSnackBar } from './snack-bar/MoorhenRotamerChangeSnackbar';
import { MoorhenScreenshotSnackBar } from './snack-bar/MoorhenScreenshotSnackBar';
import { MoorhenSideBar } from './snack-bar/MoorhenSideBar';
declare module "notistack" {
interface VariantOverrides {
goToResidue: {
glRef: React.RefObject<webGL.MGWebGL>;
commandCentre: React.RefObject<moorhen.CommandCentre>;
screenRecorder: {
videoRecorderRef: React.RefObject<moorhen.ScreenRecorder>;
residueSelection: true;
acceptRejectDraggingAtoms: {
commandCentre: React.RefObject<moorhen.CommandCentre>;
moleculeRef: React.RefObject<moorhen.Molecule>;
cidRef: React.RefObject<string[]>;
glRef: React.RefObject<webGL.MGWebGL>;
monomerLibraryPath: string;
acceptRejectRotateTranslateAtoms: {
moleculeRef: React.RefObject<moorhen.Molecule>;
cidRef: React.RefObject<string>;
glRef: React.RefObject<webGL.MGWebGL>;
acceptRejectMatchingLigand: {
refMolNo: number;
movingMolNo: number;
refLigandCid: string;
movingLigandCid: string;
commandCentre: React.RefObject<moorhen.CommandCentre>;
longJobNotification: true;
residueSteps: {
timeCapsuleRef: React.RefObject<moorhen.TimeCapsule>;
residueList: { cid: string }[];
onStep: (stepInput: any) => Promise<void>;
onStart?: () => Promise<void> | void;
onStop?: () => void;
onPause?: () => void;
onResume?: () => void;
onProgress?: (progress: number) => void;
disableTimeCapsule?: boolean
sleepTime?: number;
updatingMaps: {
glRef: React.RefObject<webGL.MGWebGL>;
commandCentre: React.RefObject<moorhen.CommandCentre>;
modelTrajectory: {
commandCentre: React.RefObject<moorhen.CommandCentre>;
glRef: React.RefObject<webGL.MGWebGL>;
moleculeMolNo: number;
representationStyle: string;
tomogram: {
commandCentre: React.RefObject<moorhen.CommandCentre>;
glRef: React.RefObject<webGL.MGWebGL>;
mapMolNo: number;
mapContourLevel: {
mapMolNo: number;
rotamerChange: {
moleculeMolNo: number;
chosenAtom: moorhen.ResidueSpec;
commandCentre: React.RefObject<moorhen.CommandCentre>;
glRef: React.RefObject<webGL.MGWebGL>;
screenshot: {
videoRecorderRef: React.RefObject<moorhen.ScreenRecorder>;
glRef: React.RefObject<webGL.MGWebGL>;
sideBar: {
children: JSX.Element;
modalId: string;
title: string;
* A container for the Moorhen app. Needs to be rendered within a MoorhenReduxprovider.
* @property {React.RefObject<webGL.mgWebGL>} [glRef] - React reference holding the webGL rendering component
* @property {React.RefObject<moorhen.TimeCapsule>} [timeCapsuleRef] - React reference holding an instance of MoorhenTimeCapsule which is in charge of backups
* @property {React.RefObject<moorhen.commandCentre>} [commandCentre] - React reference holding an instance of MoorhenCommandCentre which is in charge of communication with libcoot instance
* @property {React.RefObject<moorhen.Molecule[]>} [moleculesRef] - React reference holding a list of loaded MoorhenMolecule instances
* @property {React.RefObject<moorhen.Map[]>} [mapsRef] - React reference holding a list of loaded MoorhenMap instances
* @property {string} [urlPrefix='.'] - The root url used to load sources from public folder
* @property {string} [monomerLibraryPath='./baby-gru/monomers'] - A string with the path to the monomer library, relative to the root of the app
* @property {function} setMoorhenDimensions - Callback executed on window resize. Return type is an array of two numbers [width, height]
* @property {function} onUserPreferencesChange - Callback executed whenever a user-defined preference changes (key: string, value: any) => void.
* @property {boolean} [disableFileUploads=false] - Indicates if file uploads should b disabled
* @property {string[]} [includeNavBarMenuNames] - An array of menu names to include in the Moorhen navbar. If empty array then all menus will be included. It can also be used to set their order.
* @property {object[]} extraNavBarModals - A list with additional draggable modals with buttons rendered under the navigation menu
* @property {object[]} extraNavBarMenus - A list with additional menu items rendered under the navigation menu
* @property {JSX.Element[]} extraFileMenuItems - A list with additional menu items rendered under the "File" menu
* @property {JSX.Element[]} extraEditMenuItems - A list with additional menu items rendered under the "Edit" menu
* @property {JSX.Element[]} extraCalculateMenuItems - A list with additional menu items rendered under the "Calculate" menu
* @property {JSX.Element[]} extraDraggableModals - A list with additional draggable modals to be rendered
* @property {boolean} [viewOnly=false] - Indicates if Moorhen should work in view-only mode
* @property {boolean} [allowScripting=true] - Indicates if the scrpting interface is enabled
* @property {moorhen.LocalStorageInstance} backupStorageInstance - An interface used by the moorhen container to store session backups
* @property {moorhen.AceDRGInstance} aceDRGInstance - An interface used by the moorhen container to execute aceDRG jobs
* @example
* import { MoorhenContainer } from "moorhen";
* const ExampleApp = () => {
* const doClick = (evt) => { console.log('Click!') }
* const exportMenuItem = <MenuItem key={'example-key'} id='example-menu-item' onClick={doClick}>
* Example extra menu
* </MenuItem>
* const setDimensions = () => {
* return [window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight]
* }
* return <MoorhenReduxProvider>
* <MoorhenContainer
* allowScripting={false}
* setMoorhenDimensions={setDimensions}
* extraFileMenuItems={[exportMenuItem]}/>
* </MoorhenReduxProvider>
export const MoorhenContainer = (props: moorhen.ContainerProps) => {
const innerGlRef = useRef<null | webGL.MGWebGL>(null)
const innerVideoRecorderRef = useRef<null | moorhen.ScreenRecorder>(null);
const innerTimeCapsuleRef = useRef<null | moorhen.TimeCapsule>(null);
const innnerCommandCentre = useRef<null | moorhen.CommandCentre>(null)
const innerMoleculesRef = useRef<null | moorhen.Molecule[]>(null)
const innerMapsRef = useRef<null | moorhen.Map[]>(null)
const innerActiveMapRef = useRef<null | moorhen.Map>(null)
const innerlastHoveredAtomRef = useRef<null | moorhen.HoveredAtom>(null)
const dispatch = useDispatch()
const maps = useSelector((state: moorhen.State) => state.maps)
const molecules = useSelector((state: moorhen.State) => state.molecules.moleculeList)
const cursorStyle = useSelector((state: moorhen.State) => state.hoveringStates.cursorStyle)
const hoveredAtom = useSelector((state: moorhen.State) => state.hoveringStates.hoveredAtom)
const cootInitialized = useSelector((state: moorhen.State) => state.generalStates.cootInitialized)
const theme = useSelector((state: moorhen.State) => state.generalStates.theme)
const backgroundColor = useSelector((state: moorhen.State) => state.sceneSettings.backgroundColor)
const height = useSelector((state: moorhen.State) => state.sceneSettings.height)
const width = useSelector((state: moorhen.State) => state.sceneSettings.width)
const isDark = useSelector((state: moorhen.State) => state.sceneSettings.isDark)
const userPreferencesMounted = useSelector((state: moorhen.State) => state.generalStates.userPreferencesMounted)
const drawMissingLoops = useSelector((state: moorhen.State) => state.sceneSettings.drawMissingLoops)
const defaultMapSamplingRate = useSelector((state: moorhen.State) => state.mapContourSettings.defaultMapSamplingRate)
const defaultBackgroundColor = useSelector((state: moorhen.State) => state.sceneSettings.defaultBackgroundColor)
const makeBackups = useSelector((state: moorhen.State) => state.backupSettings.makeBackups)
const maxBackupCount = useSelector((state: moorhen.State) => state.backupSettings.maxBackupCount)
const modificationCountBackupThreshold = useSelector((state: moorhen.State) => state.backupSettings.modificationCountBackupThreshold)
const activeMap = useSelector((state: moorhen.State) => state.generalStates.activeMap)
const innerStatesMap: moorhen.ContainerRefs = {
glRef: innerGlRef, timeCapsuleRef: innerTimeCapsuleRef, commandCentre: innnerCommandCentre,
moleculesRef: innerMoleculesRef, mapsRef: innerMapsRef, activeMapRef: innerActiveMapRef,
lastHoveredAtomRef: innerlastHoveredAtomRef, videoRecorderRef: innerVideoRecorderRef,
let refs = {} as moorhen.ContainerRefs
Object.keys(innerStatesMap).forEach(key => {
refs[key] = props[key] ? props[key] : innerStatesMap[key]
const {
glRef, timeCapsuleRef, commandCentre, moleculesRef, mapsRef, activeMapRef, videoRecorderRef, lastHoveredAtomRef
} = refs
activeMapRef.current = activeMap
moleculesRef.current = molecules
mapsRef.current = maps
const {
disableFileUploads, urlPrefix, extraNavBarMenus, viewOnly, extraDraggableModals,
monomerLibraryPath, extraFileMenuItems, allowScripting, backupStorageInstance,
extraEditMenuItems, aceDRGInstance, extraCalculateMenuItems, setMoorhenDimensions,
onUserPreferencesChange, extraNavBarModals, includeNavBarMenuNames, store
} = props
const collectedProps: moorhen.CollectedProps = {
glRef, commandCentre, timeCapsuleRef, disableFileUploads, extraDraggableModals, aceDRGInstance,
urlPrefix, viewOnly, mapsRef, allowScripting, extraCalculateMenuItems, extraEditMenuItems,
extraNavBarMenus, monomerLibraryPath, moleculesRef, extraFileMenuItems, activeMapRef,
videoRecorderRef, lastHoveredAtomRef, onUserPreferencesChange, extraNavBarModals, store,
useEffect(() => {
let head = document.head
let style: any = document.createElement("link")
style.href = `${props.urlPrefix}/baby-gru/moorhen.css`
style.rel = "stylesheet"
style.async = true
style.type = 'text/css'
}, [])
const setWindowDimensions = useCallback(() => {
let [ newWidth, newHeight ]: [number, number] = [window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight]
if (setMoorhenDimensions) {
[ newWidth, newHeight ] = setMoorhenDimensions()
if (width !== newWidth) {
if (height !== newHeight) {
}, [width, height])
useEffect(() => {
window.addEventListener('resize', setWindowDimensions)
return () => {
window.removeEventListener('resize', setWindowDimensions)
}, [setWindowDimensions])
useEffect(() => {
const initTimeCapsule = async () => {
if (userPreferencesMounted) {
timeCapsuleRef.current = new MoorhenTimeCapsule(moleculesRef, mapsRef, activeMapRef, glRef, store)
timeCapsuleRef.current.storageInstance = backupStorageInstance
timeCapsuleRef.current.maxBackupCount = maxBackupCount
timeCapsuleRef.current.modificationCountBackupThreshold = modificationCountBackupThreshold
await timeCapsuleRef.current.init()
}, [userPreferencesMounted])
useEffect(() => {
const onCootInitialized = async () => {
if (cootInitialized && userPreferencesMounted) {
await commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
command: 'set_map_sampling_rate',
commandArgs: [defaultMapSamplingRate],
returnType: 'status'
}, false)
}, [cootInitialized, userPreferencesMounted])
useEffect(() => {
if (userPreferencesMounted && defaultBackgroundColor !== backgroundColor) {
}, [userPreferencesMounted])
useMemo(() => {
let head = document.head;
let style: any = document.createElement("link");
if (isDark) {
style.href = `${urlPrefix}/baby-gru/darkly.css`
} else {
style.href = `${urlPrefix}/baby-gru/flatly.css`
style.rel = "stylesheet";
style.async = true
style.type = 'text/css'
return () => { head.removeChild(style); }
}, [isDark])
useEffect(() => {
if (!userPreferencesMounted) {
const _isDark = isDarkBackground(...backgroundColor)
if (defaultBackgroundColor !== backgroundColor) {
dispatch( setDefaultBackgroundColor(backgroundColor) )
if (isDark !== _isDark) {
dispatch( setIsDark(_isDark) )
dispatch( setTheme(_isDark ? "darkly" : "flatly") )
}, [backgroundColor])
useEffect(() => {
async function setMakeBackupsAPI() {
await commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
command: 'set_make_backups',
commandArgs: [makeBackups],
returnType: "status"
}, false)
if (commandCentre.current && makeBackups !== null && cootInitialized) {
}, [makeBackups, cootInitialized])
useEffect(() => {
async function setDrawMissingLoopAPI() {
await commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
command: 'set_draw_missing_residue_loops',
commandArgs: [drawMissingLoops],
returnType: "status"
}, false)
if (commandCentre.current && drawMissingLoops !== null && cootInitialized) {
}, [drawMissingLoops, cootInitialized])
useEffect(() => {
const initCommandCentre = async () => {
commandCentre.current = new MoorhenCommandCentre(urlPrefix, glRef, timeCapsuleRef, {
onCootInitialized: () => {
dispatch( setCootInitialized(true) )
onCommandExit: (kwargs) => {
dispatch( toggleCootCommandExit() )
onCommandStart: (kwargs) => {
dispatch( toggleCootCommandStart() )
await commandCentre.current.init()
return () => {
}, [])
useEffect(() => {
const checkMoleculeSizes = async () => {
const moleculeAtomCounts = await Promise.all(
molecules.filter(molecule => !molecule.atomCount).map(molecule => molecule.getNumberOfAtoms())
const totalAtomCount = moleculeAtomCounts.reduce((partialAtomCount, atomCount) => partialAtomCount + atomCount, 0)
if (totalAtomCount >= 80000) {
dispatch( setEnableAtomHovering(false) )
}, [molecules])
const onAtomHovered = useCallback((identifier: { buffer: { id: string; }; atom: moorhen.AtomInfo; }) => {
if (identifier == null) {
if (lastHoveredAtomRef.current !== null && lastHoveredAtomRef.current.molecule !== null) {
dispatch( setHoveredAtom({ molecule: null, cid: null }) )
else {
molecules.forEach(molecule => {
if (molecule.buffersInclude(identifier.buffer)) {
const newCid = parseAtomInfoLabel(identifier.atom)
if (molecule !== hoveredAtom.molecule || newCid !== hoveredAtom.cid) {
dispatch( setHoveredAtom({ molecule: molecule, cid: newCid }) )
}, [molecules])
useEffect(() => {
if (hoveredAtom && hoveredAtom.molecule && hoveredAtom.cid) {
if (lastHoveredAtomRef.current == null ||
hoveredAtom.molecule !== lastHoveredAtomRef.current.molecule ||
hoveredAtom.cid !== lastHoveredAtomRef.current.cid
) {
//if we have changed molecule, might have to clean up hover display item of previous molecule
if (lastHoveredAtomRef.current !== null &&
lastHoveredAtomRef.current.molecule !== null &&
lastHoveredAtomRef.current.molecule !== hoveredAtom.molecule
) {
lastHoveredAtomRef.current = hoveredAtom
}, [hoveredAtom])
useEffect(() => {
glRef.current.resize(width, height)
}, [width, height])
useEffect(() => {
if (activeMap && commandCentre.current) {
if (activeMap.isEM) {
} else {
}, [activeMap])
return <SnackbarProvider
anchorOrigin={{horizontal: 'center', vertical: 'top'}}
transitionDuration={{ enter: 500, exit: 300 }}
goToResidue: MoorhenGoToResidueSnackbar,
screenRecorder: MoorhenRecordingSnackBar,
residueSelection: MoorhenResidueSelectionSnackBar,
acceptRejectDraggingAtoms: MoorhenAcceptRejectDragAtomsSnackBar,
acceptRejectRotateTranslateAtoms: MoorhenAcceptRejectRotateTranslateSnackBar,
acceptRejectMatchingLigand: MoorhenAcceptRejectMatchingLigandSnackBar,
longJobNotification: MoorhenLongJobSnackBar,
residueSteps: MoorhenResidueStepsSnackBar,
updatingMaps: MoorhenUpdatingMapsSnackBar,
modelTrajectory: MoorhenModelTrajectorySnackBar,
tomogram: MoorhenTomogramSnackBar,
mapContourLevel: MoorhenMapContourLevelSnackBar,
rotamerChange: MoorhenRotamerChangeSnackBar,
screenshot: MoorhenScreenshotSnackBar,
sideBar: MoorhenSideBar
<Backdrop sx={{ color: '#fff', zIndex: (_theme) => _theme.zIndex.drawer + 1 }} open={!cootInitialized}>
<Spinner animation="border" style={{ marginRight: '0.5rem' }}/>
<span>Starting moorhen...</span>
<MoorhenNavBar {...collectedProps}/>
<MoorhenModalsContainer {...collectedProps}/>
<MoorhenPreferencesContainer onUserPreferencesChange={onUserPreferencesChange}/>
<MoorhenSnackBarManager {...collectedProps}/>
<MoorhenUpdatingMapsManager commandCentre={props.commandCentre} glRef={props.glRef}/>
<Container fluid className={`baby-gru ${theme}`}>
<Col style={{ paddingLeft: '0', paddingRight: '0' }}>
backgroundColor: `rgba(
${255 * backgroundColor[0]},
${255 * backgroundColor[1]},
${255 * backgroundColor[2]},
cursor: cursorStyle, margin: 0, padding: 0, height: Math.floor(height),
MoorhenContainer.defaultProps = {
onUserPreferencesChange: () => {},
urlPrefix: '.',
monomerLibraryPath: './baby-gru/monomers',
setMoorhenDimensions: null,
disableFileUploads: false,
includeNavBarMenuNames: [],
extraNavBarModals: [],
extraNavBarMenus: [],
extraFileMenuItems: [],
extraEditMenuItems: [],
extraCalculateMenuItems: [],
extraDraggableModals: [],
viewOnly: false,
allowScripting: true,
backupStorageInstance: createLocalStorageInstance('Moorhen-TimeCapsule'),
aceDRGInstance: null,
store: MoorhenReduxStore