

import { readDataFile, guid, rgbToHsv, hsvToRgb } from "./utils"
import { moorhen } from "../types/moorhen";
import { webGL } from "../types/mgWebGL";
import { libcootApi } from "../types/libcoot";
import pako from "pako"
import MoorhenReduxStore from "../store/MoorhenReduxStore";
import { ToolkitStore } from "@reduxjs/toolkit/dist/configureStore";
import { MoorhenMtzWrapper } from "./MoorhenMtzWrapper";

const _DEFAULT_RADIUS = 13
const _DEFAULT_STYLE = "lines"
const _DEFAULT_ALPHA = 1.0
const _DEFAULT_MAP_COLOUR = { r: 0.30000001192092896, g: 0.30000001192092896, b: 0.699999988079071}
const _DEFAULT_POSITIVE_MAP_COLOUR = {r: 0.4000000059604645, g: 0.800000011920929, b: 0.4000000059604645}
const _DEFAULT_NEGATIVE_MAP_COLOUR = {r: 0.800000011920929, g: 0.4000000059604645, b: 0.4000000059604645}

 * Represents a map
 * @property {string} name - The name assigned to this map instance
 * @property {number} molNo - The imol assigned to this map instance
 * @property {string} style - Indicates whether the rendered map is drawn as lines, lit lines or a solid surphace
 * @property {boolean} isDifference - Indicates whether this is a difference map instance
 * @property {boolean} hasReflectionData - Indicates whether this map instance has been associated with observed reflection data
 * @property {React.RefObject<moorhen.CommandCentre>} commandCentre - A react reference to the command centre instance
 * @property {React.RefObject<webGL.MGWebGL>} glRef - A react reference to the MGWebGL instance
 * @constructor
 * @param {React.RefObject<moorhen.CommandCentre>} commandCentre - A react reference to the command centre instance
 * @param {React.RefObject<webGL.MGWebGL>} glRef - A react reference to the MGWebGL instance
 * @param {ToolkitStore} [store=undefined] - A Redux store. By default Moorhen Redux store will be used
 * @example
 * import { MoorhenMap } from "moorhen";
 * // Create a new map
 * const map = new MoorhenMap(commandCentre, glRef);
 * // Load file from a URL
 * const selectedColumns = { F: "FWT", PHI: "PHWT", Fobs: "FP", SigFobs: "SIGFP", FreeR: "FREE", isDifference: false, useWeight: false, calcStructFact: true }
 * map.loadToCootFromMtzURL("/uri/to/file.mtz", "map-1", selectedColumns);
 * // Draw map and set view on map centre
 * map.drawMapContour();
 * map.centreOnMap();
 * // Delete map
 * map.delete();

export class MoorhenMap implements moorhen.Map {
    type: string
    name: string
    isEM: boolean
    molNo: number
    store: ToolkitStore
    commandCentre: React.RefObject<moorhen.CommandCentre>
    glRef: React.RefObject<webGL.MGWebGL>
    mapCentre: [number, number, number]
    suggestedContourLevel: number
    suggestedRadius: number
    webMGContour: boolean
    showOnLoad: boolean
    displayObjects: any
    isDifference: boolean
    hasReflectionData: boolean
    selectedColumns: moorhen.selectedMtzColumns
    associatedReflectionFileName: string
    uniqueId: string
    mapRmsd: number
    mapMean: number
    suggestedMapWeight: number
    otherMapForColouring: {molNo: number, min: number, max: number};
    diffMapColourBuffers: { positiveDiffColour: number[], negativeDiffColour: number[] }
    defaultMapColour: {r: number, g: number, b: number};
    defaultPositiveMapColour: {r: number, g: number, b: number};
    defaultNegativeMapColour: {r: number, g: number, b: number};
    autoReadMtz: (source: File, commandCentre: React.RefObject<moorhen.CommandCentre>, glRef: React.RefObject<webGL.MGWebGL>, store: ToolkitStore) => Promise<moorhen.Map[]>;

    constructor(commandCentre: React.RefObject<moorhen.CommandCentre>, glRef: React.RefObject<webGL.MGWebGL>, store: ToolkitStore = MoorhenReduxStore) {
        this.type = 'map' = "unnamed"
        this.isEM = false
        this.molNo = null
        this.commandCentre = commandCentre
        this.glRef = glRef = store
        this.webMGContour = false
        this.showOnLoad = true
        this.displayObjects = { Coot: [] }
        this.isDifference = false
        this.hasReflectionData = false
        this.selectedColumns = null
        this.associatedReflectionFileName = null
        this.uniqueId = guid()
        this.mapRmsd = null
        this.mapMean = null
        this.suggestedMapWeight = null
        this.suggestedContourLevel = null
        this.suggestedRadius = null
        this.mapCentre = null
        this.otherMapForColouring = null
        this.diffMapColourBuffers = { positiveDiffColour: [], negativeDiffColour: [] }
        this.defaultMapColour = _DEFAULT_MAP_COLOUR
        this.defaultPositiveMapColour = _DEFAULT_POSITIVE_MAP_COLOUR
        this.defaultNegativeMapColour = _DEFAULT_NEGATIVE_MAP_COLOUR

     * Helper function to set this map instance as the "active" map for refinement
    async setActive(): Promise<void> {
        await this.commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
            returnType: "status",
            command: "set_imol_refinement_map",
            commandArgs: [this.molNo]
        }, false)
        if (this.suggestedMapWeight === null) {
            await this.estimateMapWeight()
        await this.setMapWeight()

     * Delete the map instance
    async delete(): Promise<void> {
        Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this.displayObjects).forEach(displayObject => {
            if (this.displayObjects[displayObject].length > 0) { this.clearBuffersOfStyle(displayObject) }
        const promises = [
                returnType: "status",
                command: 'close_molecule',
                commandArgs: [this.molNo]
            }, true),
            this.hasReflectionData ?
                    message: 'delete_file_name', fileName: this.associatedReflectionFileName
        await Promise.all(promises)

     * Replace the current map with the contents of a MTZ file
     * @param {string} fileUrl - The uri to the MTZ file
     * @param {moorhen.selectedMtzColumns} selectedColumns - Object indicating the selected MTZ columns
     * @returns {Promise<void>}
    async replaceMapWithMtzFile(fileUrl: RequestInfo | URL, selectedColumns: moorhen.selectedMtzColumns): Promise<void> {
        let mtzData: Uint8Array
        let fetchResponse: Response

        try {
            fetchResponse = await fetch(fileUrl)
        } catch (err) {
            return Promise.reject(`Unable to fetch file ${fileUrl}`)

        if (fetchResponse.ok) {
            const reflectionData = await fetchResponse.blob()
            const arrayBuffer = await reflectionData.arrayBuffer()
            mtzData = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer)
        } else {
            return Promise.reject(`Error fetching data from url ${fileUrl}`)

        const cootResponse = await this.commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
            returnType: "status",
            command: 'shim_replace_map_by_mtz_from_file',
            commandArgs: [this.molNo, mtzData, selectedColumns]
        }, true) as moorhen.WorkerResponse<number>

        if ( === 'Completed') {
            return this.drawMapContour()

        return Promise.reject(


     * Load map to moorhen using a MTZ url
     * @param {string} url - The url to the MTZ file
     * @param {string} name - The name that will be assigned to the map
     * @param {moorhen.selectedMtzColumns} selectedColumns - Object indicating the selected MTZ columns
     * @param {object} [options] - Options passed to fetch API
     * @returns {Pormise<moorhen.Map>} This moorhenMap instance
    async loadToCootFromMtzURL(url: RequestInfo | URL, name: string, selectedColumns: moorhen.selectedMtzColumns, options?: RequestInit): Promise<moorhen.Map> {

        try {
            const response = await fetch(url, options)
            if (!response.ok) {
                return Promise.reject(`Error fetching data from url ${url}`)
            const reflectionData: Blob = await response.blob()
            const arrayBuffer: ArrayBuffer = await reflectionData.arrayBuffer()
            const asUIntArray: Uint8Array = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer)
            await this.loadToCootFromMtzData(asUIntArray, name, selectedColumns)
            if (selectedColumns.calcStructFact) {
                await this.associateToReflectionData(selectedColumns, asUIntArray)
            return this
        } catch (err) {
            return Promise.reject(err)

     * Load map to moorhen using MTZ data
     * @param {Uint8Array} data - The mtz data
     * @param {string} name - The name that will be assigned to the map
     * @param {moorhen.selectedMtzColumns} selectedColumns - Object indicating the selected MTZ columns
     * @returns {Pormise<moorhen.Map>} This moorhenMap instance
    async loadToCootFromMtzData(data: Uint8Array, name: string, selectedColumns: moorhen.selectedMtzColumns): Promise<moorhen.Map> { = name
        try {
            const reply = await this.commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
                returnType: "status",
                command: "shim_read_mtz",
                commandArgs: [data, name, selectedColumns]
            }, true)
            if ( === 'Exception') {
                return Promise.reject(
            this.molNo =
            this.selectedColumns = selectedColumns
            if (Object.keys(selectedColumns).includes('isDifference')) {
                this.isDifference = selectedColumns.isDifference
            await this.getSuggestedSettings()
            return this    
        } catch(err) {
            return Promise.reject(err)

     * Load map to moorhen from a MTZ file
     * @param {File} source - The MTZ file
     * @param {moorhen.selectedMtzColumns} selectedColumns - Object indicating the selected MTZ columns
     * @returns {Promise<moorhen.Map>} This moorhenMap instance
    loadToCootFromMtzFile = async function (source: File, selectedColumns: moorhen.selectedMtzColumns): Promise<moorhen.Map> {
        const $this = this
        let reflectionData = await readDataFile(source)
        const asUIntArray = new Uint8Array(reflectionData)
        await $this.loadToCootFromMtzData(asUIntArray,, selectedColumns)
        if (selectedColumns.calcStructFact) {
            await $this.associateToReflectionData(selectedColumns, asUIntArray)
        return $this

     * Load map to moorhen from a map file url
     * @param {string} url - The url to the MTZ file
     * @param {string} name - The name that will be assigned to the map
     * @param {boolean} [isDiffMap=false] - Indicates whether the new map is a difference map
     * @param {boolean} [decompress=false] - Indicates whether the new map should be decompressed before being passed to libcoot api
     * @param {object} [options] - Options passed to fetch API
     * @returns {Promise<moorhen.Map>} This moorhenMap instance
    async loadToCootFromMapURL(url: RequestInfo | URL, name: string, isDiffMap: boolean = false, decompress: boolean = false, options?: RequestInit): Promise<moorhen.Map> {
        try {
            const response = await fetch(url, options);
            if (response.ok) {
                const blobData = await response.blob();
                const arrayBuffer = await blobData.arrayBuffer();
                let mapData: ArrayBuffer | Uint8Array;
                if (decompress) {
                    mapData = pako.inflate(arrayBuffer)
                } else {
                    mapData = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer)
                return await this.loadToCootFromMapData(mapData, name, isDiffMap);    
            } else {
                return Promise.reject(`Requested ${url} and response was not OK...`)
        } catch (err) {
            return Promise.reject(err);

     * Load map to moorhen from map data
     * @param {ArrayBuffer | Uint8Array} data - The map data in the form of a array buffer
     * @param {string} name - The name that will be assigned to the map
     * @param {boolean} isDiffMap - Indicates whether the new map is a difference map
     * @returns {Promise<moorhen.Map>} This moorhenMap instance
    async loadToCootFromMapData(data: ArrayBuffer | Uint8Array, name: string, isDiffMap: boolean): Promise<moorhen.Map> { = name
        try {
            const reply = await this.commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
                returnType: "status",
                command: "shim_read_ccp4_map",
                commandArgs: [data, name, isDiffMap]
            }, true)
            if ( === 'Exception') {
                console.warn('Exception raised when reading map')
                return Promise.reject(
            } else if ( === -1) {
                console.warn('Returned map has molNo -1')
                return Promise.reject(
            this.molNo =
            this.isDifference = isDiffMap
            await this.getSuggestedSettings()
            return this    
        } catch(err) {
            return Promise.reject(err)

     * Load a map to moorhen from a map file data blob
     * @param {File} source - The map file
     * @param {boolean} [isDiffMap=false] - Indicates whether the new map is a difference map
     * @param {boolean} [decompress=false] - Indicates whether the new map should be decompressed before being passed to libcoot api
     * @returns {Promise<moorhen.Map>} This moorhenMap instance
    async loadToCootFromMapFile (source: File, isDiffMap: boolean = false, decompress: boolean = false): Promise<moorhen.Map> {
        const arrayBuffer = await readDataFile(source)
        let mapData: ArrayBuffer | Uint8Array;
        let mapName: string;
        if (decompress) {
            mapData = pako.inflate(arrayBuffer)
            mapName ='.gz', '')
        } else {
            mapData = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer)
            mapName =
        return this.loadToCootFromMapData(mapData, mapName, isDiffMap)

     * Static method used to automatically read multiple maps from a single mtz file
     * @param {File} source - The mtz file
     * @param {React.RefObject<moorhen.CommandCentre>} commandCentre - A react reference to the command centre instance 
     * @param {React.RefObject<webGL.MGWebGL>} glRef - A react reference to the MGWebGL instance 
     * @param {ToolkitStore} store - The redux store
     * @returns {moorhen.Map[]} A list of maps resulting from reading the mtz file
    static async autoReadMtz(source: File, commandCentre: React.RefObject<moorhen.CommandCentre>, glRef: React.RefObject<webGL.MGWebGL>, store: ToolkitStore): Promise<moorhen.Map[]> {
        const mtzWrapper = new MoorhenMtzWrapper()
        await mtzWrapper.loadHeaderFromFile(source)

        const response = await commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
            returnType: "auto_read_mtz_info_array",
            command: "shim_auto_read_mtz",
            commandArgs: [mtzWrapper.reflectionData]
        }, true) as moorhen.WorkerResponse<libcootApi.AutoReadMtzInfoJS[]>
        if ( === "Exception" || === 0) {
            console.warn('There was a problem with auto-open mtz...')
            return []

        const isDiffMapResponses = await Promise.all( => {
            return commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
                returnType: "status",
                command: "is_a_difference_map",
                commandArgs: [autoReadInfo.idx]
            }, false) as Promise<moorhen.WorkerResponse<boolean>>

        if (isDiffMapResponses.some(result => == "Exception")) {
            console.log(isDiffMapResponses.find(result => === "Exception").data.consoleMessage)
            console.warn('There was a problem with auto-open mtz...')
            return []

        const newMaps = await Promise.all(
   => item.idx !== -1).map(async (autoReadInfo, index) => {
                const newMap = new MoorhenMap(commandCentre, glRef, store)
                newMap.molNo = autoReadInfo.idx
       = `${'mtz', '')}-map-${index}`
                newMap.isDifference = isDiffMapResponses[index].data.result.result
                newMap.selectedColumns = {
                    F: autoReadInfo.F,
                    Fobs: autoReadInfo.F_obs,
                    FreeR: autoReadInfo.Rfree,
                    SigFobs: autoReadInfo.sigF_obs,
                    PHI: autoReadInfo.phi,
                    isDifference: newMap.isDifference,
                    useWeight: autoReadInfo.weights_used,
                    calcStructFact: true
                await newMap.associateToReflectionData(newMap.selectedColumns, mtzWrapper.reflectionData)
                await newMap.getSuggestedSettings()
                return newMap

        return newMaps

     * Get the current map
     * @returns {Promise<moorhen.WorkerResponse>} A worker response with the map arrayBuffer
    getMap(): Promise<moorhen.WorkerResponse> {
        return this.commandCentre.current.postMessage({
            message: 'get_map',
            molNo: this.molNo

     * Set the map weight
     * @param {number} [weight=moorhen.Map.suggestedMapWeight] - The new map weight
     * @returns {Promise<moorhen.WorkerResponse>} Void worker response
    setMapWeight(weight?: number): Promise<moorhen.WorkerResponse> {
        let newWeight: number
        if (typeof weight !== 'undefined') {
            newWeight = weight
        else {
            newWeight = this.suggestedMapWeight
        return this.commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
            returnType: 'status',
            command: "set_map_weight",
            commandArgs: [newWeight]
        }, false)

     * Get the current map weight
     * @returns {Promise<number>} The current map weight
    async getMapWeight(): Promise<number> {
        const result = await this.commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
            returnType: 'status',
            command: "get_map_weight",
            commandArgs: []
        }, false) as moorhen.WorkerResponse<number>

     * Get map contour parameters from the redux store
     * @returns {object} A description of map contour parameters as described in the redux store
    getMapContourParams(): { 
        mapRadius: number; 
        contourLevel: number; 
        mapAlpha: number; 
        mapStyle: "lines" | "solid" | "lit-lines"; 
        mapColour: {r: number; g: number; b: number}; 
        positiveMapColour: {r: number; g: number; b: number}; 
        negativeMapColour: {r: number; g: number; b: number}
    } {
        const state =
        const radius = state.mapContourSettings.mapRadii.find(item => item.molNo === this.molNo)?.radius
        const level = state.mapContourSettings.contourLevels.find(item => item.molNo === this.molNo)?.contourLevel
        const alpha = state.mapContourSettings.mapAlpha.find(item => item.molNo === this.molNo)?.alpha
        const style = state.mapContourSettings.mapStyles.find(item => item.molNo === this.molNo)?.style
        const mapColour = state.mapContourSettings.mapColours.find(item => item.molNo === this.molNo)?.rgb
        const negativeMapColour = state.mapContourSettings.negativeMapColours.find(item => item.molNo === this.molNo)?.rgb
        const positiveMapColour = state.mapContourSettings.positiveMapColours.find(item => item.molNo === this.molNo)?.rgb
        return {
            mapRadius: radius ? radius : _DEFAULT_RADIUS, 
            contourLevel: level ? level : _DEFAULT_CONTOUR_LEVEL,
            mapAlpha: alpha ? alpha : _DEFAULT_ALPHA,
            mapStyle: style ? style : _DEFAULT_STYLE,
            mapColour: mapColour ? {r: mapColour.r / 255., g: mapColour.g / 255., b: mapColour.b / 255.} : this.defaultMapColour,
            negativeMapColour: negativeMapColour ? {r: negativeMapColour.r / 255., g: negativeMapColour.g / 255., b: negativeMapColour.b / 255.} : this.defaultNegativeMapColour,
            positiveMapColour: positiveMapColour ? {r: positiveMapColour.r / 255., g: positiveMapColour.g / 255., b: positiveMapColour.b / 255.} : this.defaultPositiveMapColour  

     * Contour the map with parameters from the redux store
    drawMapContour(): Promise<void> {
        const { mapRadius, contourLevel, mapStyle } = this.getMapContourParams()
        return this.doCootContour( => -coord) as [number, number, number], mapRadius, contourLevel, mapStyle)

     * Hide the map contour
    hideMapContour(): void {

     * Clear MGWebGL buffers of a given style for this map
     * @param {string} style - The map style that will be cleared
    clearBuffersOfStyle(style: string): void {
        //Empty existing buffers of this type
        this.displayObjects[style].forEach((buffer) => {
            this.glRef.current.displayBuffers = this.glRef.current.displayBuffers?.filter(glBuffer => !==
        this.displayObjects[style] = []

    setupContourBuffers(objects: any[], keepCootColours: boolean = false) {
        const { mapAlpha, mapColour, positiveMapColour, negativeMapColour } = this.getMapContourParams()
        const print_timing = false;
        const t1 =;
        try {
            const diffMapColourBuffers = { positiveDiffColour: [], negativeDiffColour: [] }
            objects.filter(object => typeof object !== 'undefined' && object !== null).forEach(object => {
                let object_positive;
                let object_negative;
                if (this.isDifference) {
                    object_positive = structuredClone(object);
                    object_negative = structuredClone(object);
                    object_positive.idx_tri = [];
                    object_negative.idx_tri = [];
                    const tc =;
                    if(print_timing) console.log("End clone",tc-t1);
                    let i = 0;
                    object.idx_tri.forEach((idxss: number[][]) => {
                        let j = 0;
                        let pos_idx = [];
                        let neg_idx = [];
                        idxss.forEach((idxs: number[]) => {
                            let this_pos_idx = [];
                            let this_neg_idx = [];
                            for (let idx = 0; idx < idxs.length; idx++) {
                                const col = object.col_tri[i][j][idxs[idx]*4]
                                if (col < 0.5) {
                                    object_positive.col_tri[i][j][idxs[idx]*4]   = positiveMapColour.r
                                    object_positive.col_tri[i][j][idxs[idx]*4+1] = positiveMapColour.g
                                    object_positive.col_tri[i][j][idxs[idx]*4+2] = positiveMapColour.b
                                    object_positive.col_tri[i][j][idxs[idx]*4+3] = mapAlpha
                                } else {
                                    object_negative.col_tri[i][j][idxs[idx]*4]   = negativeMapColour.r
                                    object_negative.col_tri[i][j][idxs[idx]*4+1] = negativeMapColour.g
                                    object_negative.col_tri[i][j][idxs[idx]*4+2] = negativeMapColour.b
                                    object_negative.col_tri[i][j][idxs[idx]*4+3] = mapAlpha
                    const tl =;
                    if(print_timing) console.log("End loop",tl-t1)
                } else if (!keepCootColours)  {
                    if (mapAlpha < 0.98) {
                        object.col_tri.forEach((cols: number[][]) => {
                            cols.forEach((col: number[]) => {
                                for (let idx = 0; idx < col.length; idx += 4) {
                                    col[idx] = mapColour.r
                                    col[idx + 1] = mapColour.g
                                    col[idx + 2] = mapColour.b
                                    col[idx + 3] = mapAlpha
                    const tl =;
                    if(print_timing) console.log("End loop",tl-t1)
                if (this.isDifference) {
                    let a = this.glRef.current.appendOtherData(object_positive, true);
                    let b = this.glRef.current.appendOtherData(object_negative, true);
                        a[0].transparent = true;
                        b[0].transparent = true;
                    const ta =;
                    if(print_timing) console.log("End appendOtherData",ta-t1);
                    this.diffMapColourBuffers.positiveDiffColour = this.diffMapColourBuffers.positiveDiffColour.concat(diffMapColourBuffers.positiveDiffColour);
                    this.diffMapColourBuffers.negativeDiffColour = this.diffMapColourBuffers.negativeDiffColour.concat(diffMapColourBuffers.negativeDiffColour);
                    this.displayObjects['Coot'] = this.displayObjects['Coot'].concat(a);
                    this.displayObjects['Coot'] = this.displayObjects['Coot'].concat(b);
                } else if (!keepCootColours) {
                    //console.log("DEBUG: Old buffers?", object.vert_tri[0][0],object.norm_tri[0][0])
                    if(this.displayObjects["Coot"].length>0 && (object.prim_types[0][0]===this.displayObjects["Coot"][0].bufferTypes[0])){
                        this.displayObjects["Coot"][0].triangleVertices[0] = object.vert_tri[0][0]
                        this.displayObjects["Coot"][0].triangleNormals[0] = object.norm_tri[0][0]
                            //console.log("DEBUG: Old buffers setCustomColour")
                        } else {
                            this.displayObjects["Coot"][0].triangleColours[0] = object.col_tri[0][0]
                        this.displayObjects["Coot"][0].triangleIndexs[0] = object.idx_tri[0][0]
                        this.displayObjects["Coot"][0].isDirty = true
                    } else {
                       let a = this.glRef.current.appendOtherData(object, true);
                       this.displayObjects['Coot'] = this.displayObjects['Coot'].concat(a);

                    const ta =;
                    if(print_timing) console.log("End appendOtherData",ta-t1);
                    this.diffMapColourBuffers.positiveDiffColour = this.diffMapColourBuffers.positiveDiffColour.concat(diffMapColourBuffers.positiveDiffColour);
                    this.diffMapColourBuffers.negativeDiffColour = this.diffMapColourBuffers.negativeDiffColour.concat(diffMapColourBuffers.negativeDiffColour);
                } else {
                    //console.log("MOORHEN MAP do what keepCootColours wants")
                    let a = this.glRef.current.appendOtherData(object, true);
                    this.displayObjects['Coot'] = this.displayObjects['Coot'].concat(a);
            if(print_timing) console.log("Start buildBuffers");
            const tb =;
            if(print_timing) console.log("End buildBuffers",tb-t1);
            const ts =;
            if(print_timing) console.log("After drawScene",ts-t1);
        } catch(err) {
        const t2 =;
        if(print_timing) console.log("Finished setupContourBuffers",t2-t1)

     * Draw the map contour around a given origin
     * @param {number} x - Origin coord. X
     * @param {number} y - Origin coord. Y
     * @param {number} z - Origin coord. Z
     * @param {number} radius - Radius around the origin that will be drawn
     * @param {number} contourLevel - The map contour level
    async doCootContour(x: number, y: number, z: number, radius: number, contourLevel: number, style: "solid" | "lines" | "lit-lines"): Promise<void> {

        let returnType: string
        if (style === 'solid') {
            returnType = "mesh_perm"
        } else if (style === 'lit-lines') {
            returnType = "lit_lines_mesh"
        } else {
            returnType = "lines_mesh"

        let response: moorhen.WorkerResponse<any>
        if (this.otherMapForColouring !== null) {
            response = await this.commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
                returnType: returnType,
                command: "get_map_contours_mesh_using_other_map_for_colours",
                commandArgs: [this.molNo, this.otherMapForColouring.molNo, x, y, z, radius, contourLevel, this.otherMapForColouring.min, this.otherMapForColouring.max, false]
            }, false)
        } else {
            response = await this.commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
                returnType: returnType,
                command: "get_map_contours_mesh",
                commandArgs: [this.molNo, x, y, z, radius, contourLevel]
            }, false)

        const objects = []
        this.setupContourBuffers(objects, this.otherMapForColouring !== null)

     * Set colouring for this map instance based on another map
     * @param {number} molNo - The imol for the other map
     * @param {number} min - The min value
     * @param {number} max - The max value
    setOtherMapForColouring(molNo: number, min: number = -0.9, max: number = 0.9) {
        if (molNo === null) {
            this.otherMapForColouring = null
        } else {
            this.otherMapForColouring = { molNo, min, max }

     * Fetch the colours for a difference map using values from redux store and redraw the map
     * @param {'positiveDiffColour' | 'negativeDiffColour'} type - Indicates whether the negative or positive colours will be set
     * @returns {Promise<void>}
    async fetchDiffMapColourAndRedraw(type: 'positiveDiffColour' | 'negativeDiffColour'): Promise<void> {
        if (!this.isDifference) {
            console.error('Cannot use moorhen.Map.fetchDiffMapColourAndRedraw to change non-diff map colour. Use moorhen.Map.fetchColourAndRedraw instead...')
        const { mapAlpha, positiveMapColour, negativeMapColour } = this.getMapContourParams()
        const mapColour = type === 'positiveDiffColour' ? positiveMapColour : negativeMapColour
        if (mapAlpha < 0.99) {
            this.displayObjects['Coot'].forEach((buffer, bufferIdx) => {
                buffer.customColour = null;
                buffer.transparent = true
                buffer.triangleColours.forEach((colbuffer, colBufferIdx) => {
                    for (const idx of this.diffMapColourBuffers[type]) {
                        colbuffer[idx] = mapColour.r
                        colbuffer[idx + 1] = mapColour.g
                        colbuffer[idx + 2] = mapColour.b
                buffer.isDirty = true
                buffer.alphaChanged = true;
        } else {
                    this.displayObjects['Coot'][0].transparent = false
                } else {
                    this.displayObjects['Coot'][1].transparent = false
        if (mapAlpha < 0.99) {


     * Set the colours for a non-difference map using values from redux store
    async fetchColourAndRedraw(): Promise<void> {
        if (this.isDifference) {
            console.error('Cannot use moorhen.Map.fetchColourAndRedraw to change difference map colour. Use moorhen.Map.fetchDiffMapColourAndRedraw instead...')

        if (this.otherMapForColouring !== null) {
            this.otherMapForColouring = null
        const { mapAlpha, mapColour } = this.getMapContourParams()
        this.displayObjects['Coot'].forEach(buffer => {
            if (mapAlpha < 0.99) {
                buffer.customColour = null;
                buffer.transparent = true
                buffer.triangleColours.forEach(colbuffer => {
                    for (let idx = 0; idx < colbuffer.length; idx += 4) {
                        colbuffer[idx] = mapColour.r
                        colbuffer[idx + 1] = mapColour.g
                        colbuffer[idx + 2] = mapColour.b
                buffer.isDirty = true;
                buffer.alphaChanged = true;
            } else {
                buffer.transparent = false

        if (mapAlpha < 0.99) {


     * Fetch the map alpha (transparency) for this map using values from redux store and redraw the map
    async fetchMapAlphaAndRedraw(): Promise<void> {
        const { mapAlpha, mapColour } = this.getMapContourParams()
        this.displayObjects['Coot'].forEach(buffer => {
            buffer.triangleColours.forEach(colbuffer => {
                if (this.isDifference) {
                    console.log("Setting alpha", mapAlpha)
                for (let idx = 3; idx < colbuffer.length; idx += 4) {
                    colbuffer[idx] = mapAlpha
            buffer.isDirty = true
            buffer.alphaChanged = true
            if (mapAlpha < 0.99) {
                buffer.transparent = true
                if (buffer.customColour && buffer.customColour.length===4) {
                    buffer.customColour = null;
                    if (this.isDifference) {
                        console.log("Setting colours to",mapColour)
                    buffer.triangleColours.forEach(colbuffer => {
                        for (let idx = 0; idx < colbuffer.length; idx += 4) {
                            colbuffer[idx] = mapColour.r
                            colbuffer[idx + 1] = mapColour.g
                            colbuffer[idx + 2] = mapColour.b
            } else {
                buffer.transparent = false
                if (buffer.customColour && buffer.customColour.length === 4) {
                    buffer.setCustomColour([mapColour.r, mapColour.g, mapColour.b, 1.0])

     * Associate this map with a set of observed reflections
     * @param {moorhen.selectedMtzColumns} selectedColumns - Object indicating the selected MTZ columns
     * @param {Uint8Array} reflectionData - The reflection data that will be associates to this map
     * @returns {Promise<moorhen.WorkerResponse>} - Void promise
    async associateToReflectionData (selectedColumns: moorhen.selectedMtzColumns, reflectionData: Uint8Array | ArrayBuffer): Promise<void> {
        if (!selectedColumns.Fobs || !selectedColumns.SigFobs || !selectedColumns.FreeR) {
            console.warn('WARNING: Missing column data, cannot associate reflection data with map')
            return Promise.resolve()

        const commandArgs = [
            this.molNo, { fileName: this.uniqueId, data: reflectionData },
            selectedColumns.Fobs, selectedColumns.SigFobs, selectedColumns.FreeR

        const response = await this.commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
            command: 'shim_associate_data_mtz_file_with_map',
            commandArgs: commandArgs,
            returnType: 'status'
        }, false) as moorhen.WorkerResponse<string>

        if ( === "Completed") {
            this.hasReflectionData = true
            this.selectedColumns = {
            this.associatedReflectionFileName =
        } else {
            console.warn('Unable to associate reflection data with map')

     * Fetch the reflection data associated with this map
     * @returns {Promise<moorhen.WorkerResponse<Uint8Array>>} The reflection data
    async fetchReflectionData(): Promise<moorhen.WorkerResponse<Uint8Array>> {
        if (this.hasReflectionData) {
            return await this.commandCentre.current.postMessage({
                molNo: this.molNo,
                message: 'get_mtz_data',
                fileName: this.associatedReflectionFileName
        } else {
            console.log('Map has no reflection data associated...')

     * Create a copy of the map
     * @returns {Promise<moorhen.Map>} New map instance
    async copyMap(): Promise<moorhen.Map> {
        const reply = await this.getMap()
        const newMap = new MoorhenMap(this.commandCentre, this.glRef,
        await newMap.loadToCootFromMapData(, `Copy of ${}`, this.isDifference)
        const { mapRadius, contourLevel } = this.getMapContourParams()
        newMap.suggestedContourLevel = contourLevel
        newMap.suggestedRadius = mapRadius
        return newMap

     * Blur the map
     * @param {number} bFactor - The b-factor used for blurring
     * @returns {Promise<moorhen.WorkerResponse<number>>} Status (-1 if failure)
    blur(bFactor: number): Promise<moorhen.WorkerResponse> {
        return this.commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
            command: 'sharpen_blur_map',
            commandArgs: [this.molNo, bFactor, true],
            returnType: "status"
        }, true) as Promise<moorhen.WorkerResponse<number>>

     * Get the current map RMSD
     * @returns {number} The map RMSD
    async fetchMapRmsd(): Promise<number> {
        const result = await this.commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
            command: 'get_map_rmsd_approx',
            commandArgs: [this.molNo],
            returnType: 'float'
        }, false) as moorhen.WorkerResponse<number>
        this.mapRmsd =

     * Get the suggested level for this map instance (only for MX maps)
     * @returns {number} The suggested map contour level
    async fetchSuggestedLevel(): Promise<number> {
        const result = await this.commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
            command: 'get_suggested_initial_contour_level',
            commandArgs: [this.molNo],
            returnType: 'float'
        }, false) as moorhen.WorkerResponse<number>
        if ( !== -1) {
            this.suggestedContourLevel =
        } else {
            console.log('Problem getting suggested intial map level')
            this.suggestedContourLevel = null 

     * Get the suggested map centre for this map instance (it will also fetch suggested level for EM maps)
     * @returns {number[]} The map centre
    async fetchMapCentre(): Promise<[number, number, number]> {
        const response = await this.commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
            command: 'get_map_molecule_centre',
            commandArgs: [this.molNo],
            returnType: "map_molecule_centre_info_t"
        }, false) as moorhen.WorkerResponse<libcootApi.MapMoleculeCentreInfoJS>
        if ( {
            this.mapCentre = => -coord) as [number, number, number]
            if (this.isEM) {
                this.suggestedContourLevel =
                this.suggestedRadius =
        } else {
            console.log('Problem finding map centre')
            this.mapCentre = null
        return this.mapCentre

     * Estimate the map weight based on the map rmsd
    async estimateMapWeight(): Promise<void> {
        if (this.mapRmsd === null) {
            await this.fetchMapRmsd()
        this.suggestedMapWeight = 50 * 0.3 / this.mapRmsd
     * Get suggested contour level, radius and map centre for this map instance
    async getSuggestedSettings(): Promise<void> {

        const response = await this.commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
            command: 'is_EM_map',
            commandArgs: [this.molNo],
            returnType: "boolean"
        }, false) as moorhen.WorkerResponse<boolean>
        this.isEM =
        await Promise.all([
            this.fetchMapRmsd().then(_ => this.estimateMapWeight()),
            !this.isEM && this.fetchSuggestedLevel()

    async fetchMapMean() {
        const result = await this.commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
            command: 'get_map_mean',
            commandArgs: [this.molNo],
            returnType: "float"
        }, false)
        if ( !== "Exception") {
            this.mapMean =
        } else {
            console.warn(`Unable to fetch map meap for imol ${this.molNo}`)

     * Set the view in the centre of this map instance
    async centreOnMap(): Promise<void> {
        if (this.mapCentre === null) {
            await this.fetchMapCentre()
            if (this.mapCentre === null) {
                console.log('Problem finding map centre')

     * Get the histogram data for this map instance
     * @returns {object} - An object with the histogram data
    async getHistogram(nBins: number = 200, zoomFactor: number = 1): Promise<libcootApi.HistogramInfoJS> {
        const response = await this.commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
            command: 'get_map_histogram',
            commandArgs: [this.molNo, nBins, zoomFactor],
            returnType: "histogram_info_t"
        }, false) as moorhen.WorkerResponse<any>

     * Fetch whether this is a difference map
     * @returns {boolean} - True if this map instance is a difference map
    async fetchIsDifferenceMap(): Promise<boolean> {
        const isDifferenceMap = await this.commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
            command: 'is_a_difference_map',
            commandArgs: [this.molNo],
            returnType: "boolean"
        }, false) as moorhen.WorkerResponse<boolean>
        this.isDifference =
        return this.isDifference

     * Set the default colour for this map depending on the current number of maps loaded in the session
    async setDefaultColour(): Promise<void> {
        if (this.isDifference) {
        const validMapMolNos = await Promise.all([...Array(this.molNo).keys()].map(async (molNo) => {
            if (molNo === this.molNo) {
                return false
            const isValidMap = await this.commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
                command: 'is_valid_map_molecule',
                commandArgs: [molNo],
                returnType: "boolean"
            }, false) as moorhen.WorkerResponse<boolean>
            if (! {
                return false
            } else {
                const isDifferenceMap = await this.commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
                    command: 'is_a_difference_map',
                    commandArgs: [molNo],
                    returnType: "boolean"
                }, false) as moorhen.WorkerResponse<boolean>
                return !

        const numberOfMaps = validMapMolNos.filter(Boolean).length

        let [h, s, v] = rgbToHsv(0.30000001192092896, 0.30000001192092896, 0.699999988079071)
        h += (10 * numberOfMaps)
        if (h > 360) {
            h -= 360
        const [r, g, b] = hsvToRgb(h, s, v)
        this.defaultMapColour = { r, g, b }

     * Export the map as a gltf in binary format
     * @returns {ArrayBuffer} - The contents of the gltf file (binary format)
    async exportAsGltf(): Promise<ArrayBuffer> {
        const { mapRadius, contourLevel } = this.getMapContourParams()
        const result = await this.commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
            returnType: "arrayBuffer",
            command: 'shim_export_map_as_gltf',
            commandArgs: [ this.molNo, => -coord), mapRadius, contourLevel ],
            changesMolecules: [ ]
        }, false) as moorhen.WorkerResponse<ArrayBuffer>