import 'pako';
import {
guid, readTextFile, readGemmiStructure, centreOnGemmiAtoms,
getRandomMoleculeColour, doDownload, formatLigandSVG, getCentreAtom, parseAtomInfoLabel
} from './utils'
import { MoorhenMoleculeRepresentation } from "./MoorhenMoleculeRepresentation"
import { MoorhenColourRule } from "./MoorhenColourRule"
import { quatToMat4 } from '../WebGLgComponents/quatToMat4.js';
import { isDarkBackground } from '../WebGLgComponents/mgWebGL'
import { hideMolecule } from '../store/moleculesSlice';
import * as vec3 from 'gl-matrix/vec3';
import * as mat3 from 'gl-matrix/mat3';
import * as quat4 from 'gl-matrix/quat';
import { moorhen } from "../types/moorhen"
import { webGL } from "../types/mgWebGL"
import { gemmi } from "../types/gemmi"
import { libcootApi } from '../types/libcoot';
import { privateer } from '../types/privateer';
import MoorhenReduxStore from "../store/MoorhenReduxStore";
import { ToolkitStore } from '@reduxjs/toolkit/dist/configureStore';
* Represents a molecule
* @property {string} name - The name assigned to this molecule instance
* @property {number} molNo - The imol assigned to this molecule instance
* @property {boolean} atomsDirty - Whether the cached atoms are outdated
* @property {boolean} symmetryOn - Whether the symmetry is currently being displayed
* @property {object} sequences - List of sequences present in the molecule
* @property {object} gemmiStructure - Object representation of the cached gemmi structure for this molecule
* @property {React.RefObject<moorhen.CommandCentre>} commandCentre - A react reference to the command centre instance
* @property {React.RefObject<webGL.MGWebGL>} glRef - A react reference to the MGWebGL instance
* @property {string} monomerLibraryPath - A string with the path to the monomer library, relative to the root of the app
* @constructor
* @param {React.RefObject<moorhen.CommandCentre>} commandCentre - A react reference to the command centre instance
* @param {React.RefObject<webGL.MGWebGL>} glRef - A react reference to the MGWebGL instance
* @param {ToolkitStore} [store=undefined] - A Redux store. By default Moorhen Redux store will be used
* @param {string} [monomerLibraryPath="./baby-gru/monomers"] - A string with the path to the monomer library, relative to the root of the app
* @example
* import { MoorhenMolecule } from 'moorhen';
* // Create a new molecule
* const molecule = new MoorhenMolecule(commandCentre, glRef, monomerLibraryPath);
* // Set some defaults
* molecule.setBackgroundColour(glRef.current.background_colour)
* // Load file from a URL
* molecule.loadToCootFromURL('/uri/to/file.pdb', 'mol-1');
* // Draw coot bond representation and centre on molecule
* molecule.fetchIfDirtyAndDraw('CBs');
* molecule.centreOn();
* // Delete molecule
* molecule.delete();
export class MoorhenMolecule implements moorhen.Molecule {
type: string;
atomCount: number;
commandCentre: React.RefObject<moorhen.CommandCentre>;
glRef: React.RefObject<webGL.MGWebGL>;
atomsDirty: boolean;
name: string;
molNo: number | null
gemmiStructure: gemmi.Structure;
sequences: moorhen.Sequence[];
representations: moorhen.MoleculeRepresentation[];
ligands: moorhen.LigandInfo[];
ligandDicts: { [comp_id: string]: string };
connectedToMaps: number[];
excludedSelections: string[];
excludedCids: string[];
symmetryOn: boolean;
biomolOn: boolean;
symmetryRadius: number;
symmetryMatrices: number[][][];
gaussianSurfaceSettings: moorhen.gaussianSurfSettings;
isDarkBackground: boolean;
defaultBondOptions: moorhen.cootBondOptions;
defaultM2tParams: moorhen.m2tParameters;
defaultResidueEnvironmentOptions: moorhen.residueEnvironmentOptions;
displayObjectsTransformation: { origin: [number, number, number], quat: any, centre: [number, number, number] }
uniqueId: string;
monomerLibraryPath: string;
defaultColourRules: moorhen.ColourRule[];
adaptativeBondsRepresentation: moorhen.MoleculeRepresentation;
hoverRepresentation: moorhen.MoleculeRepresentation;
unitCellRepresentation: moorhen.MoleculeRepresentation;
environmentRepresentation: moorhen.MoleculeRepresentation;
selectionRepresentation: moorhen.MoleculeRepresentation;
hasGlycans: boolean;
hasDNA: boolean;
restraints: {maxRadius: number, cid: string}[];
isLigand: boolean;
coordsFormat: moorhen.coorFormats;
cachedPrivateerValidation: privateer.ResultsEntry[];
cachedLigandSVGs: {[key: string]: string};
moleculeDiameter: number;
adaptativeBondsEnabled: boolean;
store: ToolkitStore;
headerInfo: libcootApi.headerInfoJS;
isMRSearchModel: boolean;
constructor(commandCentre: React.RefObject<moorhen.CommandCentre>, glRef: React.RefObject<webGL.MGWebGL>, store: ToolkitStore = MoorhenReduxStore, monomerLibraryPath = "./baby-gru/monomers") {
this.type = 'molecule'
this.commandCentre = commandCentre
this.glRef = glRef = store
this.atomsDirty = true = "unnamed"
this.molNo = null
this.coordsFormat = null
this.gemmiStructure = null
this.sequences = []
this.headerInfo = null
this.cachedGemmiAtoms = null
this.cachedLigandSVGs = null
this.cachedPrivateerValidation = null
this.ligands = null
this.ligandDicts = {}
this.connectedToMaps = null
this.representations = []
this.excludedSelections = []
this.excludedCids = []
this.symmetryOn = false
this.biomolOn = false
this.symmetryRadius = 25
this.symmetryMatrices = []
this.isDarkBackground = false
this.atomCount = null
this.gaussianSurfaceSettings = {
sigma: 4.4,
countourLevel: 4.0,
boxRadius: 5.0,
gridScale: 0.7,
bFactor: 100
this.defaultBondOptions = {
smoothness: 1,
width: 0.1,
atomRadiusBondRatio: 1
this.defaultM2tParams = {
ribbonStyleCoilThickness: 0.3,
ribbonStyleHelixWidth: 1.2,
ribbonStyleStrandWidth: 1.2,
ribbonStyleArrowWidth: 1.5,
ribbonStyleDNARNAWidth: 1.5,
ribbonStyleAxialSampling: 6,
cylindersStyleAngularSampling: 6,
cylindersStyleCylinderRadius: 0.2,
cylindersStyleBallRadius: 0.2,
surfaceStyleProbeRadius: 1.4,
ballsStyleRadiusMultiplier: 1,
nucleotideRibbonStyle: 'StickBases',
dishStyleAngularSampling: 32
this.defaultResidueEnvironmentOptions = {
maxDist: 8,
backgroundRepresentation: "CRs",
focusRepresentation: "CBs",
labelled: true,
showHBonds: true,
showContacts: true
this.restraints = []
this.adaptativeBondsEnabled = false
this.hasDNA = false
this.hasGlycans = false
this.isLigand = false
this.isMRSearchModel = false
this.displayObjectsTransformation = { origin: [0, 0, 0], quat: null, centre: [0, 0, 0] }
this.uniqueId = guid()
this.monomerLibraryPath = monomerLibraryPath
this.defaultColourRules = null
this.moleculeDiameter = null
this.unitCellRepresentation = new MoorhenMoleculeRepresentation('unitCell', '/*/*/*/*', this.commandCentre, this.glRef)
this.environmentRepresentation = new MoorhenMoleculeRepresentation('environment', null, this.commandCentre, this.glRef)
this.hoverRepresentation = new MoorhenMoleculeRepresentation('hover', null, this.commandCentre, this.glRef)
this.selectionRepresentation = new MoorhenMoleculeRepresentation('residueSelection', null, this.commandCentre, this.glRef)
this.adaptativeBondsRepresentation = new MoorhenMoleculeRepresentation('adaptativeBonds', null, this.commandCentre, this.glRef)
* Replace the current molecule with the model in a file
* @param {string} fileUrl - The uri to the file with the new model
async replaceModelWithFile(fileUrl: string): Promise<void> {
let coordData: string
let fetchResponse: Response
try {
fetchResponse = await fetch(fileUrl)
} catch (err) {
return Promise.reject(`Unable to fetch file ${fileUrl}`)
if (fetchResponse.ok) {
coordData = await fetchResponse.text()
} else {
return Promise.reject(`Error fetching data from url ${fileUrl}`)
return this.replaceModelWithCoordData(coordData)
* Replace the current molecule some file contents
* @param {string} coordData - The coord data for new model
async replaceModelWithCoordData(coordData: string): Promise<void> {
const cootResponse = await this.commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
returnType: "status",
command: 'replace_molecule_by_model_from_string',
commandArgs: [this.molNo, coordData],
changesMolecules: [this.molNo]
}, true)
if ( === 'Completed') {
this.atomsDirty = true
return this.redraw()
return Promise.reject(
* Turn on/off molecule symmetry
toggleBiomolecule() : void {
this.biomolOn = !this.biomolOn;
if (this.biomolOn) {
this.symmetryOn = false;
} else {
this.representations.forEach(representation => {
representation.buffers.forEach(buffer => {
buffer.changeColourWithSymmetry = true
return this.drawBiomolecule()
* Turn on/off molecule symmetry
toggleSymmetry(): Promise<void> {
this.symmetryOn = !this.symmetryOn;
if (this.symmetryOn) {
this.biomolOn = false;
return this.drawSymmetry()
* Set the radius to draw symmetry mates
* @param {number} radius - Symmetry mates with an atom within this radius will be drawn
setSymmetryRadius(radius: number): Promise<void> {
this.symmetryRadius = radius
return this.drawSymmetry()
* Fetch the matrices representing the biomolecule of the current model from gemmi
fetchBiomoleculeMatrix() : void {
this.symmetryMatrices = []
if (this.biomolOn) {
const assemblies = this.gemmiStructure.assemblies
const n_assembly = assemblies.size()
if (n_assembly > 0) {
const assembly = assemblies.get(0)
const generators = assembly.generators
const n_gen = generators.size()
if (n_gen > 0) {
const gen = generators.get(0)
const operators = gen.operators
const n_op = operators.size()
for (let i_op=0; i_op < n_op; i_op++) {
let mat16 = []
const op = operators.get(i_op)
const transform = op.transform
const vec = transform.vec
const mat = transform.mat
const mat_array = mat.as_array()
mat16.push(mat_array[0]); mat16.push(mat_array[1]); mat16.push(mat_array[2]); mat16.push(vec.x);
mat16.push(mat_array[3]); mat16.push(mat_array[4]); mat16.push(mat_array[5]); mat16.push(vec.y);
mat16.push(mat_array[6]); mat16.push(mat_array[7]); mat16.push(mat_array[8]); mat16.push(vec.z);
mat16.push(0.0); mat16.push(0.0); mat16.push(0.0); mat16.push(1.0);
* Fetch the symmetry matrix for the current model from libcoot api
async fetchSymmetryMatrix(): Promise<void> {
if (!this.symmetryOn) {
this.symmetryMatrices = []
} else {
const selectionCentre: number[] = => -coord)
const response = await this.commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
returnType: "symmetry",
command: 'get_symmetry_with_matrices',
commandArgs: [this.molNo, this.symmetryRadius, ...selectionCentre]
}, false) as moorhen.WorkerResponse<{ matrix: number[][] }[]>
this.symmetryMatrices = => symm.matrix)
* Draw symmetry mates for the current molecule
* @param {boolean} [fetchSymMatrix=true] - Indicates whether a new symmetry matrix must be fetched from libcoot api
drawBiomolecule(fetchSymMatrix: boolean = true): void {
if (this.symmetryOn) {
console.warn("Biomolecule will not be drawn when Crystal symmetry is being shown.")
if (fetchSymMatrix) {
this.representations.forEach(representation => representation.drawSymmetry())
this.representations.forEach(representation => {
representation.buffers.forEach(buffer => {
buffer.changeColourWithSymmetry = false
if (this.adaptativeBondsEnabled) {
* Draw symmetry mates for the current molecule
* @param {boolean} [fetchSymMatrix=true] - Indicates whether a new symmetry matrix must be fetched from libcoot api
async drawSymmetry(fetchSymMatrix: boolean = true): Promise<void> {
if (this.biomolOn) {
console.warn("Crystal symmetry will not be drawn when biomolecule is being shown.")
if (fetchSymMatrix) {
await this.fetchSymmetryMatrix()
this.representations.forEach(representation => representation.drawSymmetry())
if (this.adaptativeBondsEnabled) {
* Set the background colour where the molecule is being drawn. Used to detect whether the background is dark and molecule needs to be rendered using lighter colours.
* @param {number[]} backgroundColour - The rgba indicating the background colour
setBackgroundColour(backgroundColour: [number, number, number, number]) {
this.isDarkBackground = isDarkBackground(...backgroundColour)
* Update the cached gemmi structure for this molecule
async updateGemmiStructure(coordString: string): Promise<void> {
if (this.gemmiStructure && !this.gemmiStructure.isDeleted()) {
this.cachedGemmiAtoms = null
this.gemmiStructure = readGemmiStructure(coordString,
// Only override if this is mmcif
window.CCP4Module.gemmi_add_entity_types(this.gemmiStructure, this.coordsFormat === 'mmcif')
* Get the unit cell parameters for the molecule
* @returns An object with the unit cell parameters
getUnitCellParams(): { a: number; b: number; c: number; alpha: number; beta: number; gamma: number; } {
if (this.gemmiStructure === null) {
const structure = this.gemmiStructure.clone()
const unitCell = this.gemmiStructure.cell
const unitCellParams = {
a: unitCell.a,
b: unitCell.b,
c: unitCell.c,
alpha: unitCell.alpha,
beta: unitCell.beta,
gamma: unitCell.gamma
return unitCellParams
* Get the CIDs for all residues wihtin a distance threshold of a set of residues
* @param {string} selectionCid - The CID indicating the selection of residues used for the search
* @param {number} radius - The radius used in the search
* @param {number} minDist - Minimum distance for the serch
* @param {number} maxDist - Maximum distance for the search
* @returns {Promise<string[]>} List of CIDs with the residues found within the radius of search
async getNeighborResiduesCids(selectionCid: string, maxDist: number): Promise<string[]> {
const response = await this.commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
returnType: "status",
command: 'get_neighbours_cid',
commandArgs: [this.molNo, selectionCid, maxDist]
}, false) as moorhen.WorkerResponse<string>
const multiCidRanges: string[] ='||')
return multiCidRanges
* Parse the sequences in the molecule
parseSequences(): void {
if (this.gemmiStructure === null) {
let result: moorhen.Sequence[] = []
const sequenceInfoVec = window.CCP4Module.get_sequence_info(this.gemmiStructure,
const sequenceInfoVecSize = sequenceInfoVec.size()
for (let i = 0; i < sequenceInfoVecSize; i++) {
const sequenceInfo = sequenceInfoVec.get(i)
const sequenceInfoSeq = sequenceInfo.sequence
let currentSequence: moorhen.ResidueInfo[] = []
const sequenceInfoSize = sequenceInfoSeq.size()
for (let i = 0; i < sequenceInfoSize; i++) {
chain: sequenceInfo.chain,
type: sequenceInfo.type,
sequence: currentSequence
this.sequences = result
this.hasDNA = this.sequences.some(sequence => [3, 4, 5].includes(sequence.type))
* Check if the molecule instance consists of a ligand
* @returns {boolean} True if the molecule is a ligand
checkIsLigand(): boolean {
let isLigand = true
this.isLigand = window.CCP4Module.structure_is_ligand(this.gemmiStructure)
return isLigand
* Delete this molecule instance
* @param {boolean} [popBackImol=false] - Indicates whether the imol for this molecule instance should be popped back (useful for ephemeral molecules)
async delete(popBackImol: boolean = false): Promise<moorhen.WorkerResponse> {
this.representations.forEach(representation => representation.deleteBuffers())
const response = await this.commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
returnType: "status",
command: popBackImol ? 'pop_back' : 'close_molecule',
commandArgs: popBackImol ? [ ] : [ this.molNo ]
}, true) as moorhen.WorkerResponse<number>
if (this.gemmiStructure && !this.gemmiStructure.isDeleted()) {
return response
* Transfer metadata stored in this molecule instance to other molecule
* @param {morhen.Molecule} otherMolecule - The molecule where the metadata will be transferred
* @param {boolean} [transferDicts=true] - Indicates whether ligand dictionaries should also be transferred
async transferMetaData(otherMolecule: moorhen.Molecule, transferDicts: boolean = true) {
otherMolecule.defaultBondOptions = this.defaultBondOptions
otherMolecule.defaultM2tParams = this.defaultM2tParams
otherMolecule.environmentRepresentation = this.environmentRepresentation
otherMolecule.coordsFormat = this.coordsFormat
otherMolecule.isLigand = this.isLigand
otherMolecule.hasGlycans = this.hasGlycans
otherMolecule.hasDNA = this.hasDNA
otherMolecule.isDarkBackground = this.isDarkBackground
if (transferDicts) {
await this.transferLigandDicts(otherMolecule)
* Transfer ligand dictionaries stored in this molecule instance to other molecule
* @param {morhen.Molecule} toMolecule - The molecule where the metadata will be transferred
* @param {boolean} [override=false] - Override ligand dictionaries already stored under the same ligand name in the other molecule instance
async transferLigandDicts(toMolecule: moorhen.Molecule, override: boolean = false) {
await Promise.all(Object.keys(this.ligandDicts).map(key => {
if (!override && Object.hasOwn(toMolecule.ligandDicts, key)) {
} else {
* Copy molecule into a new instance
* @returns {moorhen.Molecule} New molecule instance
async copyMolecule(doRedraw: boolean = true): Promise<moorhen.Molecule> {
let coordString = await this.getAtoms()
let newMolecule = new MoorhenMolecule(this.commandCentre, this.glRef,, this.monomerLibraryPath) = `${}-placeholder`
let response = await this.commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
returnType: "status",
command: 'read_coords_string',
commandArgs: [coordString,]
}, true) as moorhen.WorkerResponse<libcootApi.PairType<number, moorhen.coorFormats>>
newMolecule.molNo =
await this.transferMetaData(newMolecule)
await newMolecule.fetchDefaultColourRules()
if (doRedraw) {
await newMolecule.fetchIfDirtyAndDraw('CBs')
return newMolecule
* Copy a fragment of the current model into a new molecule using a selection CID
* @param {string} cid - The CID selection indicating the residues that will be copied into the new fragment
* @param {boolean} [doRecentre=true] - Indicates whether the view should re-centre on the new copied fragment
* @param {boolean} [style="CBs"] - Indicates the style used to draw the copied fragment (only takes effect if doRecentre=true)
* @returns {Promise<moorhen.Molecule>} New molecule instance
async copyFragmentUsingCid(cid: string, doRecentre: boolean = true, style: moorhen.RepresentationStyles = 'CBs'): Promise<moorhen.Molecule> {
const response = await this.commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
returnType: "status",
command: "copy_fragment_using_cid",
commandArgs: [this.molNo, cid],
}, true) as moorhen.WorkerResponse<number>
const newMolecule = new MoorhenMolecule(this.commandCentre, this.glRef,, this.monomerLibraryPath) = `${} fragment`
newMolecule.molNo =
await this.transferMetaData(newMolecule)
await newMolecule.fetchDefaultColourRules()
if (doRecentre) {
await newMolecule.fetchIfDirtyAndDraw(style)
await newMolecule.centreOn('/*/*/*/*', true, true)
return newMolecule
* Copy a fragment of the current model into a new molecule for refinement
* @param {string[]} cid - The CID selection indicating the residues that will be copied into the new fragment
* @param {moorhen.Map} refinementMap - The map instance used in the refinement
* @param {boolean} redraw - Indicate if the molecules should be redrawn
* @param {boolean} redrawFragmentFirst - Indicate if the fragment should be redrawn first
* @returns {moorhen.Molecule} A new molecule instance that can be used for refinement
async copyFragmentForRefinement(cid: string[], refinementMap: moorhen.Map, redraw: boolean = true, redrawFragmentFirst: boolean = true): Promise<moorhen.Molecule> {
const newMolecule = new MoorhenMolecule(this.commandCentre, this.glRef,, this.monomerLibraryPath)
const copyResult = await this.commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
returnType: 'int',
command: 'copy_fragment_for_refinement_using_cid',
commandArgs: [this.molNo, cid.join('||')]
}, false)
if ( !== -1) {
newMolecule.molNo =
await this.commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
returnType: 'status',
command: 'init_refinement_of_molecule_as_fragment_based_on_reference',
commandArgs: [newMolecule.molNo, this.molNo, refinementMap.molNo]
}, false)
await this.transferLigandDicts(newMolecule)
if (redraw) {
const drawMissingLoops =
if (drawMissingLoops) {
await this.commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
command: "set_draw_missing_residue_loops",
commandArgs: [ false ],
}, false)
await Promise.all( => {
return this.hideCid(cid, false)
if (redrawFragmentFirst) {
await newMolecule.fetchIfDirtyAndDraw('CBs')
await this.redraw()
} else {
await this.redraw()
await newMolecule.fetchIfDirtyAndDraw('CBs')
} else {
console.warn(`Unable to copy fragment for refinement using cid ${cid} for molecule ${this.molNo}`)
return newMolecule
* Merge a fragment that was used for refinement into the current molecule
* @param {string[]} cid - The CID selection used to create the fragment
* @param {moorhen.Molecule} fragmentMolecule - The fragment molecule
* @param {boolean} [acceptTransform=true] - Indicates whether the transformation should be accepted
* @param {boolean} [refineAfterMerge=false] - Indicates whether another cycle of refinement should be run after merging the fragment
async mergeFragmentFromRefinement(cid: string, fragmentMolecule: moorhen.Molecule, acceptTransform: boolean = true, refineAfterMerge: boolean = false) {
const drawMissingLoops =
if (drawMissingLoops) {
await this.commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
command: "set_draw_missing_residue_loops",
commandArgs: [ true ],
}, false)
await this.commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
returnType: 'status',
command: 'clear_refinement',
commandArgs: [this.molNo],
}, false)
if (acceptTransform) {
await this.commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
returnType: 'status',
command: 'replace_fragment',
commandArgs: [this.molNo, fragmentMolecule.molNo, cid],
changesMolecules: [this.molNo]
}, !refineAfterMerge)
if (refineAfterMerge) {
await this.refineResiduesUsingAtomCid(cid, 'LITERAL', 4000, false)
await this.unhideAll()
await fragmentMolecule.delete(true)
* Load a new molecule from a file URL
* @param {string} url - The url to the path with the data for the new molecule
* @param {string} molName - The new molecule name
* @param {object} [options] - Options passed to fetch API
* @returns {Promise<moorhen.Molecule>} The new molecule
async loadToCootFromURL(url: RequestInfo | URL, molName: string, options?: RequestInit): Promise<moorhen.Molecule> {
const response = await fetch(url, options)
try {
if (response.ok) {
const coordData = await response.text()
return this.loadToCootFromString(coordData, molName)
} else {
return Promise.reject(`Error fetching data from url ${url}`)
} catch (err) {
return Promise.reject(err)
* Load a new molecule from the contents of a file
* @param {File} source - The input file
* @returns {Promise<moorhen.Molecule>} The new molecule
async loadToCootFromFile(source: File): Promise<moorhen.Molecule> {
try {
const coordData = await readTextFile(source);
return await this.loadToCootFromString(coordData,;
} catch (err) {
return await Promise.reject(err);
* Guess the coordinate format from the file contents
* @param {string} coordDataString - The file contents
* @returns {string} - The file format
static guessCoordFormat(coordDataString: string): moorhen.coorFormats {
let result: moorhen.coorFormats = 'pdb'
try {
const format = window.CCP4Module.guess_coord_data_format(coordDataString)
if (format === 0) {
// result = 'unknown'
} else if (format === 1) {
// result = 'detect'
} else if (format === 2) {
result = 'pdb'
} else if (format === 3) {
result = 'mmcif'
} else if (format === 4) {
// result = 'mmjson'
} else if (format === 5) {
// result = 'chemComp'
} catch (err) {
console.log('Unable to guess format of coords using gemmi... Defaulting to PDB format')
return result
* Load a new molecule from a string
* @param {string} coordData - The molecule data
* @param {string} name - The new molecule name
* @returns {Promise<moorhen.Molecule>} The new molecule
async loadToCootFromString(coordData: ArrayBuffer | string, name: string): Promise<moorhen.Molecule> {
const pdbRegex = /.pdb$/;
const entRegex = /.ent$/;
const cifRegex = /.cif$/;
const mmcifRegex = /.mmcif$/;
if (this.gemmiStructure && !this.gemmiStructure.isDeleted()) {
} = name.replace(pdbRegex, "").replace(entRegex, "").replace(cifRegex, "").replace(mmcifRegex, "");
try {
this.updateGemmiStructure(coordData as string)
this.atomsDirty = false
const response = await this.commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
returnType: "status",
command: 'read_coords_string',
commandArgs: [coordData,],
}, true) as moorhen.WorkerResponse<libcootApi.PairType<number, moorhen.coorFormats>>
this.molNo =
this.coordsFormat =
await Promise.all([
return this
} catch (err) {
console.log('Error in loadToCootFromString', err)
* Load a the missing dictionary for a monomer. First attempts to load it from the monomer library, if it fails it will load from the EBI.
* @param {string} newTlc - Three letter code for the monomer
* @param {number} attachToMolecule - Molecule number for which the dicitonary will be associated
async loadMissingMonomer(newTlc: string, attachToMolecule: number): Promise<string> {
let response: Response = await fetch(`${this.monomerLibraryPath}/${newTlc.toLowerCase()[0]}/${newTlc.toUpperCase()}.cif`)
const fileContent = await response.text()
let dictContent: string
if (!fileContent.includes('data_')) {
console.log(`Unable to fetch ligand dictionary ${newTlc} from local monomer library...`)
try {
const url = `${newTlc.toLowerCase()[0]}/${newTlc.toUpperCase()}.cif`
response = await fetch(url)
if (response.ok) {
dictContent = await response.text()
} else {
console.log(`Unable to fetch ligand dictionary ${newTlc} from remote monomer library...`)
const url = `${newTlc.toUpperCase()}.cif`
response = await fetch(url)
if (response.ok) {
dictContent = await response.text()
} else {
console.log(`Unable to fetch ligand dictionary ${newTlc} from PDBe chem...`)
} catch (err) {
console.log(`Unable to fetch ligand dictionary ${newTlc}`)
} else {
dictContent = fileContent
if (dictContent) {
await this.commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
returnType: "status",
command: 'read_dictionary_string',
commandArgs: [dictContent, attachToMolecule],
}, false)
return dictContent
* Attempt to load dictionaries for all missing monomers present in the molecule
* @returns {Promise<moorhen.Molecule>} This molecule instance
async loadMissingMonomers(): Promise<void> {
const response = await this.commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
returnType: "string_array",
command: 'get_residue_names_with_no_dictionary',
commandArgs: [this.molNo],
}, false) as moorhen.WorkerResponse<string[]>
if ( === 'Completed') {
try {
const ligandDicts = await Promise.all( => {
return this.loadMissingMonomer(newTlc, -999999)
ligandDicts.forEach(ligandDict => this.cacheLigandDict(ligandDict))
} catch (err) {
console.warn('Error in loadMissingMonomers...')
} else {
console.log('Error in loadMissingMonomers...');
* Set the cached molecule atoms as "dirty". This means new bond representations need to be fetched
* next time the molecule is redrawn.
* @param {boolean} state - Indicate whether the current atom representation is dirty
setAtomsDirty(state: boolean): void {
this.atomsDirty = state
* Get a string with the PDB file contents of the molecule in its current state
* @param {string} [format='pdb'] - File format will match the one of the original file unless specified here
* @returns {string} A string representation file contents
async getAtoms(format?: moorhen.coorFormats): Promise<string> {
let cootCommand = 'molecule_to_PDB_string'
if (format) {
cootCommand = format === 'mmcif' ? 'molecule_to_mmCIF_string' : 'molecule_to_PDB_string'
} else if (this.coordsFormat) {
cootCommand = this.coordsFormat === 'mmcif' ? 'molecule_to_mmCIF_string' : 'molecule_to_PDB_string'
const response = await this.commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
returnType: "string",
command: cootCommand,
commandArgs: [this.molNo],
}, false) as moorhen.WorkerResponse<string>
* Download the PDB file contents of the molecule in its current state
* @param {string} [format='pdb'] - File format will match the one of the original file unless specified here
async downloadAtoms(format?: moorhen.coorFormats, fileName?: string) {
const coordsString = await this.getAtoms(format)
doDownload([coordsString], `${fileName ??}.${format ? format : this.coordsFormat ? this.coordsFormat : 'pdb'}`)
* Check if the current molecule has glycans
* @returns {Promise<boolean>} - True if the current molecule has glycans
async checkHasGlycans(): Promise<boolean> {
this.cachedPrivateerValidation = null
const result = await this.commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
returnType: 'boolean',
command: 'model_has_glycans',
commandArgs: [this.molNo],
}, false) as moorhen.WorkerResponse<boolean>
this.hasGlycans =
return this.hasGlycans
* Get the diameter of this molecule
* @returns {number} The molecule diameter
async getMoleculeDiameter(): Promise<number> {
const diameter = await this.commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
returnType: 'int',
command: 'get_molecule_diameter',
commandArgs: [ this.molNo ],
}, false) as moorhen.WorkerResponse<number>
this.moleculeDiameter =
* Update the cached atoms with the latest information from the libcoot api
async updateAtoms() {
if (this.gemmiStructure && !this.gemmiStructure.isDeleted()) {
const [_hasGlycans, coordString, _diameter] = await Promise.all([
try {
catch (err) {
console.warn('Issue parsing coordinates into Gemmi structure', coordString)
this.atomsDirty = false
* Draw the molecule with a particular style. If the molecule atoms are marked as "dirty" then fetch new atoms.
* @param {string} style - The style that will be drawn
async fetchIfDirtyAndDraw(style: moorhen.RepresentationStyles): Promise<void> {
if (this.atomsDirty) {
await this.updateAtoms()
const cid = "/*/*/*/*"
const representation = this.representations.find(item => === style && item.cid === cid)
if (representation) {
await this.redrawRepresentation(representation.uniqueId)
} else {
await this.addRepresentation(style, cid)
* Centre the view and align it with the axis of a particular residue
* @param {string} selectionCid - CID selection for the residue to centre the view on
* @param {boolean} [alignWithCB=false] - Indicates whether to align with the CB atom for better view of the side chain (when present in the residue)
* @param {number} [zoomLevel=0.3] - Indicates the zoom level to use
async centreAndAlignViewOn(selectionCid: string, alignWithCB: boolean = false, zoomLevel: number = 0.3): Promise<void> {
if (this.atomsDirty) {
await this.updateAtoms()
let selectionAtomsAlign: moorhen.AtomInfo[] = []
let selectionAtomsCentre: moorhen.AtomInfo[] = []
if (selectionCid) {
selectionAtomsAlign = await this.gemmiAtomsForCid(selectionCid + "*")
selectionAtomsCentre = await this.gemmiAtomsForCid(selectionCid + "CA")
} else {
selectionAtomsAlign = await this.gemmiAtomsForCid('/*/*/*/*')
selectionAtomsCentre = await this.gemmiAtomsForCid('/*/*/*/*')
let CA: number[]
let CB: number[]
let C: number[]
let O: number[]
selectionAtomsAlign.forEach(atom => {
if ( === "CA") {
CA = [atom.x, atom.y, atom.z]
} else if ( === "CB") {
CB = [atom.x, atom.y, atom.z]
} else if ( === "C") {
C = [atom.x, atom.y, atom.z]
} else if ( === "O") {
O = [atom.x, atom.y, atom.z]
let newQuat = null
if (C && CA && O) {
let right = vec3.create()
vec3.set(right, C[0] - CA[0], C[1] - CA[1], C[2] - CA[2])
let rightNorm = vec3.create()
vec3.normalize(rightNorm, right);
let upInit = vec3.create()
if (CB && alignWithCB) {
vec3.set(upInit, CB[0] - C[0], CB[1] - C[1], CB[2] - C[2])
} else {
vec3.set(upInit, O[0] - C[0], O[1] - C[1], O[2] - C[2])
let upInitNorm = vec3.create()
vec3.normalize(upInitNorm, upInit);
let forward = vec3.create()
vec3.cross(forward, right, upInitNorm)
let forwardNorm = vec3.create()
vec3.normalize(forwardNorm, forward);
let up = vec3.create()
vec3.cross(up, forwardNorm, rightNorm)
let upNorm = vec3.create()
vec3.normalize(upNorm, up);
newQuat = quat4.create()
let mat = mat3.create()
const [right_x, right_y, right_z] = [rightNorm[0], rightNorm[1], rightNorm[2]]
const [up_x, up_y, up_z] = [upNorm[0], upNorm[1], upNorm[2]]
const [formaward_x, formaward_y, formaward_z] = [forwardNorm[0], forwardNorm[1], forwardNorm[2]]
mat3.set(mat, right_x, right_y, right_z, up_x, up_y, up_z, formaward_x, formaward_y, formaward_z)
quat4.fromMat3(newQuat, mat)
let selectionCentre = centreOnGemmiAtoms(selectionAtomsCentre)
if (newQuat) {
this.glRef.current.setOriginOrientationAndZoomAnimated(selectionCentre, newQuat, zoomLevel);
} else {
await this.centreOn(selectionCid, true, true)
* Centre the view on a particular residue
* @param {string} selectionCid - CID selection for the residue to centre the view on
* @param {boolean} [animate=true] - Indicates whether the change will be animated
async centreOn(selectionCid: string = '/*/*/*/*', animate: boolean = true, setZoom: boolean = true): Promise<void> {
if (this.atomsDirty) {
await this.updateAtoms()
const selectionAtoms = await this.gemmiAtomsForCid(selectionCid)
if (selectionAtoms.length === 0) {
console.log('Unable to select any atoms, skip centering...')
let zoomLevel: number
if (selectionCid === '/*/*/*/*' || selectionCid === '//') {
if (this.moleculeDiameter === null) {
this.moleculeDiameter = await this.getMoleculeDiameter()
zoomLevel = this.moleculeDiameter / 40
} else {
zoomLevel = 0.4
let selectionCentre = centreOnGemmiAtoms(selectionAtoms)
if (animate && setZoom) {
this.glRef.current.setOriginAndZoomAnimated(selectionCentre, zoomLevel)
} else if (animate) {
} else if (setZoom) {
} else {
* Draw molecule from a given mesh
* @param {string} style - Indicate the style to be drawn
* @param {any[]} meshObjects - The mesh obects that will be drawn
* @param {string} [cid] - The new buffer CID selection
async drawWithStyleFromMesh(style: moorhen.RepresentationStyles, meshObjects: any[], cid: string = "/*/*/*/*", fetchAtomBuffers: boolean = false): Promise<void> {
let representation = this.representations.find(item => === style && item.cid === cid)
if (!representation) {
representation = new MoorhenMoleculeRepresentation(style, cid, this.commandCentre, this.glRef)
if (fetchAtomBuffers) {
let bufferAtoms = await this.gemmiAtomsForCid(cid)
if(bufferAtoms.length > 0) {
addColourRule(ruleType: string, cid: string, color: string, args: (string | number)[], isMultiColourRule: boolean = false, applyColourToNonCarbonAtoms: boolean = false, label?: string) {
const newColourRule = new MoorhenColourRule(ruleType, cid, color, this.commandCentre, isMultiColourRule, applyColourToNonCarbonAtoms)
if (label) {
* Add a representation to the molecule
* @param {string} style - The style of the new representation
* @param {string} cid - The CID selection for the residues included in the new representation
* @param {boolean} [isCustom=false] - Indicates if the representation is considered "custom"
* @param {moorhen.ColourRule[]} [colourRules=undefined] - A list of colour rules that will be applied to the new representation
* @param {moorhen.cootBondOptions} [bondOptions=undefined] - An object that describes bond width, atom/bond ratio and other bond settings.
* @param {moorhen.m2tParameters} [m2tParams=undefined] - An object that describes ribbon width, nucleotide style and other ribbon settings.
async addRepresentation(style: moorhen.RepresentationStyles, cid: string = '/*/*/*/*', isCustom: boolean = false, colourRules?: moorhen.ColourRule[], bondOptions?: moorhen.cootBondOptions, m2tParams?: moorhen.m2tParameters, residueEnvOptions?: moorhen.residueEnvironmentOptions) {
if (!this.defaultColourRules) {
await this.fetchDefaultColourRules()
const representation = new MoorhenMoleculeRepresentation(style, cid, this.commandCentre, this.glRef)
representation.isCustom = isCustom
await representation.draw()
await this.drawSymmetry(false)
return representation
* Redraw a molecule representation
* @param {string} id - Unique identifier for the representation of interest
async redrawRepresentation(id: string) {
const representation = this.representations.find(representation => representation.uniqueId === id)
await representation.redraw()
await this.drawSymmetry(false)
* Show the representation for the molecule
* @param {string} style - The representation style to show
* @param {string} [cid=undefined] - The CID selection for the representation
show(style: moorhen.RepresentationStyles, cid?: string): void {
let representation: moorhen.MoleculeRepresentation
try {
if (style === 'ligands') {
representation = this.representations.find(item => === style)
} else {
if (!cid) cid = '/*/*/*/*'
representation = this.representations.find(item => === style && item.cid === cid)
if (representation) {
} else {
this.addRepresentation(style, cid)
} catch (err) {
* Hide a type of representation for the molecule
* @param {string} style - The representation style to hide
* @param {string} [cid=undefined] - The CID selection for the representation
hide(style: moorhen.RepresentationStyles, cid?: string) {
let representation: moorhen.MoleculeRepresentation
try {
if (style === 'ligands') {
representation = this.representations.find(item => === style)
} else {
if (!cid) cid = '/*/*/*/*'
representation = this.representations.find(item => === style && item.cid === cid)
if (representation) {
} catch (err) {
* Clears the representation buffers for a particular style
* @param {string} style - The style to clear
clearBuffersOfStyle(style: string) {
if (style === 'hover') {
} else if (style === 'unitCell') {
} else if (style === 'environment') {
} else if (style === 'residueSelection') {
} else if (style === 'adaptativeBonds') {
} else {
this.representations.forEach(representation => === style ? representation.deleteBuffers() : null)
this.representations = this.representations.filter(representation => !== style)
* Remove a representation for this molecule instance
* @param {string} representationId - The unique identifier for the representation
removeRepresentation(representationId: string) {
this.representations.forEach(representation => representation.uniqueId === representationId ? representation.deleteBuffers() : null)
this.representations = this.representations.filter(representation => representation.uniqueId !== representationId)
* Check whether a particular buffer is included within the representation buffer for this molecule
* @param bufferIn - The buffer with the ID to search for
* @returns {boolean} True if the buffer is included in this molecule
buffersInclude(bufferIn: { id: string; }): boolean {
try {
for (let representation of this.representations) {
if (Array.isArray(representation.buffers)) {
for (let buffer of representation.buffers) {
if ( === {
return true
if (this.adaptativeBondsEnabled) {
if (Array.isArray(this.adaptativeBondsRepresentation.buffers)) {
for (let buffer of this.adaptativeBondsRepresentation.buffers) {
if ( === {
return true
catch (e) {
return false
return false
* Draw the unit cell of this molecule
async drawUnitCell() {
if (this.unitCellRepresentation && this.unitCellRepresentation.buffers?.length > 0) {
} else {
await this.unitCellRepresentation.draw()
* Draw a hover effect over a selected residue
* @param {string} selectionString - The CID selection for the residue that will be highlighted
async drawHover(selectionString: string): Promise<void> {
if (typeof selectionString === 'string') {
this.hoverRepresentation.cid = selectionString
await this.hoverRepresentation.redraw()
this.hoverRepresentation.buffers[0].changeColourWithSymmetry = false
* Highlight residues in a selected CID range
* @param {string} selectionString - The CID selection for the residues that will be highlighted
async drawResidueSelection(selectionString: string): Promise<void> {
if (typeof selectionString === 'string') {
this.selectionRepresentation.cid = selectionString
await this.selectionRepresentation.redraw()
* Get the active atom for this molecule
* @returns {string} The active atom CID
async getActiveAtom(): Promise<string> {
const [_molecule, activeAtomCid] = await getCentreAtom([this], this.commandCentre, this.glRef)
return activeAtomCid
* Value setter for MoorhenMolecule.adaptativeBondsEnabled
* @param {boolean} newValue - The new value
async setDrawAdaptativeBonds(newValue: boolean) {
this.adaptativeBondsEnabled = newValue
if (newValue) {
const activeAtomCid = await this.getActiveAtom()
if (activeAtomCid === this.adaptativeBondsRepresentation.cid) {
await this.redrawAdaptativeBonds(activeAtomCid)
} else {
* Draw bonds for a given glRef origin
* @param {string} selectionString - The CID selection for the residues that will be highlighted
async redrawAdaptativeBonds(selectionCid?: string): Promise<void> {
if (!this.adaptativeBondsEnabled) {
this.adaptativeBondsEnabled = false
} else if (!selectionCid && !this.adaptativeBondsRepresentation.cid) {
console.warn(`No selection string provided when drawing origin bonds`)
this.adaptativeBondsEnabled = false
} else if (selectionCid) {
this.adaptativeBondsRepresentation.cid = selectionCid
this.adaptativeBondsEnabled = true
await this.adaptativeBondsRepresentation.redraw()
* Draw enviroment distances for a given residue
* @param {string} selectionCid - The CID selection to draw the environment
async drawEnvironment(selectionCid: string): Promise<void> {
if (typeof selectionCid === 'string') {
this.environmentRepresentation.cid = selectionCid
await this.environmentRepresentation.redraw()
* Redraw the molecule representations
async redraw(): Promise<void> {
if (this.atomsDirty) {
try {
await this.updateAtoms()
} catch (err) {
for (const representation of this.representations) {
if (representation.visible) {
await this.redrawRepresentation(representation.uniqueId)
} else {
await this.redrawAdaptativeBonds()
await this.drawSymmetry(false)
* Move residues by applying a series of cached matrix transformations
* @param {string} selectionCid - The CID selection for the set of residues that will be moved
* @returns {moorhen.AtomInfo[][]} New atom information for the moved residues
transformedCachedAtomsAsMovedAtoms(selectionCid: string = '/*/*/*/*'): moorhen.AtomInfo[][] {
let movedResidues: moorhen.AtomInfo[][] = [];
const selection = new window.CCP4Module.Selection(selectionCid)
const models = this.gemmiStructure.models
const modelsSize = this.gemmiStructure.models.size()
for (let modelIndex = 0; modelIndex < modelsSize; modelIndex++) {
const model = models.get(modelIndex)
if (!selection.matches_model(model)) {
const chains = model.chains
const chainsSize = chains.size()
for (let chainIndex = 0; chainIndex < chainsSize; chainIndex++) {
const chain = chains.get(chainIndex)
if (!selection.matches_chain(chain)) {
const residues = chain.residues
const residuesSize = residues.size()
for (let residueIndex = 0; residueIndex < residuesSize; residueIndex++) {
const residue = residues.get(residueIndex)
if (!selection.matches_residue(residue)) {
const residueSeqId = residue.seqid
let movedAtoms: moorhen.AtomInfo[] = []
const atoms = residue.atoms
const atomsSize = atoms.size()
for (let atomIndex = 0; atomIndex < atomsSize; atomIndex++) {
const atom = atoms.get(atomIndex)
if (!selection.matches_atom(atom)) {
const atomElement = atom.element
const gemmiAtomPos = atom.pos
const atomAltLoc = atom.altloc
const atomSerial = atom.serial
const atomHasAltLoc = atom.has_altloc()
const atomElementString: string = window.CCP4Module.getElementNameAsString(atomElement)
const atomName = atomElementString.length === 2 ? (, " ") : (" " +, " ")
const diff = this.displayObjectsTransformation.centre
let x = gemmiAtomPos.x + this.glRef.current.origin[0] - diff[0]
let y = gemmiAtomPos.y + this.glRef.current.origin[1] - diff[1]
let z = gemmiAtomPos.z + this.glRef.current.origin[2] - diff[2]
const origin = this.displayObjectsTransformation.origin
const quat = this.displayObjectsTransformation.quat
if (quat) {
const theMatrix = quatToMat4(quat)
theMatrix[12] = origin[0]
theMatrix[13] = origin[1]
theMatrix[14] = origin[2]
// And then transform ...
const atomPos = vec3.create()
const transPos = vec3.create()
vec3.set(atomPos, x, y, z)
vec3.transformMat4(transPos, atomPos, theMatrix);
res_no: residueSeqId.str(),
name: atomName,
element: atomElementString,
tempFactor: atom.b_iso,
charge: atom.charge,
x: transPos[0] - this.glRef.current.origin[0] + diff[0],
y: transPos[1] - this.glRef.current.origin[1] + diff[1],
z: transPos[2] - this.glRef.current.origin[2] + diff[2],
serial: atomSerial,
has_altloc: atomHasAltLoc,
alt_loc: atomHasAltLoc ? String.fromCharCode(atomAltLoc) : '',
return movedResidues
* Update the molecule with a set of moved residues
* @param {moorhen.AtomInfo[][]} movedResidues - Set of moved residues
async updateWithMovedAtoms(movedResidues: moorhen.AtomInfo[][]): Promise<void> {
await this.commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
returnType: "status",
command: "shim_new_positions_for_residue_atoms",
commandArgs: [this.molNo, movedResidues],
changesMolecules: [this.molNo]
}, true)
this.displayObjectsTransformation.origin = [0, 0, 0]
this.displayObjectsTransformation.quat = null
await this.redraw()
* Apply cached transformation matrix to molecule
applyTransform() {
const movedResidues = this.transformedCachedAtomsAsMovedAtoms()
return this.updateWithMovedAtoms(movedResidues)
* Get a list with the names of the chains in the current model
* @returns {string[]} - A list of chain names in the current structure
getChainNames(): string[] {
let result: string[] = []
const models = this.gemmiStructure.models
const modelsSize = models.size()
for (let modelIndex = 0; modelIndex < modelsSize; modelIndex++) {
const model = models.get(modelIndex)
const chains = model.chains
const chainsSize = chains.size()
for (let chainIndex = 0; chainIndex < chainsSize; chainIndex++) {
const chain = chains.get(chainIndex)
return result
* Merge a set of molecules in this molecule instance
* @param {moorhen.Molecule} otherMolecules - A list of other molecules to merge into this instance
* @param {boolean} [doHide=false] - Indicates whether the source molecules should be hidden when finish
async mergeMolecules(otherMolecules: moorhen.Molecule[], doHide: boolean = false, doRedraw: boolean = true): Promise<void> {
try {
const prevChainNames = this.getChainNames()
await this.commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
command: 'merge_molecules',
commandArgs: [this.molNo, `${ => molecule.molNo).join(':')}`],
returnType: "merge_molecules_return",
changesMolecules: [this.molNo]
}, true)
await Promise.all( => {
if (doHide) {
return molecule.transferLigandDicts(this, false)
await this.updateAtoms()
const currentChains = this.getChainNames()
const newChains = currentChains.filter(chainName => !prevChainNames.includes(chainName))
newChains.forEach(chainName => {
const selectedColour = getRandomMoleculeColour()
this.addColourRule('chain', `//${chainName}`, selectedColour, [`//${chainName}`, selectedColour])
if (doRedraw) {
await this.redraw()
} catch (err) {
* Add a ligand of a given type to this molecule isntance
* @param {string} resType - Three letter code for the ligand of interest
* @param {number} [fromMolNo=-999999] - Indicate the molecule number to which the ligand dictionary was associated (use -999999 for "any")
async addLigandOfType(resType: string, fromMolNo: number = -999999): Promise<moorhen.WorkerResponse> {
const getMonomer = () => {
return this.commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
returnType: 'status',
command: 'get_monomer_and_position_at',
commandArgs: [resType.toUpperCase(), fromMolNo, => -coord)
}, true) as Promise<moorhen.WorkerResponse<number>>
let result = await getMonomer()
if ( === -1) {
await this.loadMissingMonomer(resType.toUpperCase(), fromMolNo)
result = await getMonomer()
if ( === "Completed" && !== -1) {
const newMolecule = new MoorhenMolecule(this.commandCentre, this.glRef,, this.monomerLibraryPath)
newMolecule.molNo = = resType.toUpperCase()
newMolecule.defaultBondOptions = this.defaultBondOptions
newMolecule.defaultM2tParams = this.defaultM2tParams
newMolecule.defaultResidueEnvironmentOptions = this.defaultResidueEnvironmentOptions
await this.mergeMolecules([newMolecule], true)
return newMolecule.delete()
} else {
console.log('Error getting monomer... Missing dictionary?')
* Get dictionary for a ligand associated with this molecule
* @param {string} comp_id - Three letter code for the ligand of interest
* @returns {string} The ligand dictionary
getDict(comp_id: string): string {
if (Object.hasOwn(this.ligandDicts, comp_id)) {
return this.ligandDicts[comp_id]
console.log(`Cannot find ligand dict with comp_id ${comp_id}`)
* Internal function used to store a ligand dictionary in the cache for this molecule instance
* @param {string} fileContent - The dictionary contents
cacheLigandDict(fileContent: string): void {
if (!fileContent) {
console.warn('File contents for dictionary not found, doing nothing...')
let possibleIndentedLines = fileContent.split("\n")
let unindentedLines: string[] = []
let comp_id = 'list'
let rx = /data_comp_(.*)/;
for (let line of possibleIndentedLines) {
let trimmedLine = line.trim()
let arr = rx.exec(trimmedLine)
if (arr !== null) {
//Had we encountered a previous compound ? If so, add it into the energy lib
if (comp_id !== 'list') {
const reassembledCif = unindentedLines.join("\n")
this.ligandDicts[comp_id] = reassembledCif
unindentedLines = []
comp_id = arr[1]
if (comp_id !== 'list') {
const reassembledCif = unindentedLines.join("\n")
this.ligandDicts[comp_id] = reassembledCif
* Associate ligand dictionary with this molecule instance
* @param {string} fileContent - The dictionary contents
async addDict(fileContent: string): Promise<void> {
if (!fileContent) {
console.warn('File contents for dictionary not found, doing nothing...')
await this.commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
returnType: "status",
command: 'read_dictionary_string',
commandArgs: [fileContent, this.molNo]
}, false)
* Undo last action performed on this molecule
async undo(): Promise<void> {
await this.commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
returnType: "status",
command: "undo",
commandArgs: [this.molNo],
changesMolecules: [this.molNo]
}, true)
return this.redraw()
* Redo last action performed on this molecule
async redo(): Promise<void> {
await this.commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
returnType: "status",
command: "redo",
commandArgs: [this.molNo],
changesMolecules: [this.molNo]
}, true)
return this.redraw()
* Update the ligand dictionaries for this molecule instance
async updateLigands(): Promise<void> {
this.cachedLigandSVGs = null
let ligandList: moorhen.LigandInfo[] = []
const ligandInfoVec = window.CCP4Module.get_ligand_info_for_structure(this.gemmiStructure)
const ligandInfoVecSize = ligandInfoVec.size()
for (let i = 0; i < ligandInfoVecSize; i++) {
const ligandInfo = ligandInfoVec.get(i)
this.ligands = ligandList
* Get atom information for a given CID selection
* @param {string} cid - The CID selection
* @returns {Promise<moorhen.AtomInfo[]>} JS objects containing atom information
async gemmiAtomsForCid(cid: string, omitExcludedCids: boolean = false): Promise<moorhen.AtomInfo[]> {
if (this.atomsDirty || this.gemmiStructure.isDeleted()) {
await this.updateAtoms()
if (this.cachedGemmiAtoms && (cid === '/*/*/*/*' || cid === '//')) {
return this.cachedGemmiAtoms
let result: moorhen.AtomInfo[] = []
const atomInfoVec = window.CCP4Module.get_atom_info_for_selection(this.gemmiStructure, cid, omitExcludedCids ? this.excludedSelections.join("||") : "")
const atomInfoVecSize = atomInfoVec.size()
for (let i = 0; i < atomInfoVecSize; i++) {
const atomInfo = atomInfoVec.get(i)
if (cid === '/*/*/*/*' || cid === '//') {
this.cachedGemmiAtoms = result
return result
* Determine whether this molecule instance has any visible buffers
* @param {string[]} excludeStyles - A list of representation styles that should be excluded from this check
* @returns {boolean} True if the molecule has any visible buffers
isVisible(excludeStyles: string[] = ['hover', 'unitCell', 'originNeighbours', 'selection', 'transformation', 'contact_dots', 'chemical_features', 'VdWSurface']): boolean {
const state =
const isVisible = state.molecules.visibleMolecules.some(molNo => molNo === this.molNo)
const hasVisibleBuffers = this.representations
.filter(item => !excludeStyles.includes(
.some(item => item.visible)
return (hasVisibleBuffers || this.adaptativeBondsEnabled) && isVisible
* Set the default colour rules for this molecule from libcoot API
async fetchDefaultColourRules() {
if (this.defaultColourRules) {
console.log('Default colour rules already set, doing nothing...')
const response = await this.commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
message: 'coot_command',
command: "get_colour_rules",
returnType: 'colour_rules',
commandArgs: [this.molNo],
}, false) as moorhen.WorkerResponse<libcootApi.PairType<string, string>[]>
this.defaultColourRules = []
for (let rule of {
this.addColourRule('chain', rule.first, rule.second, [rule.first, rule.second])
* Hide representations for a given CID selection
* @param {string} cid - The CID selection
* @param {boolean} [redraw=true] - Indicates if the molecule should be redrawn
async hideCid(cid: string, redraw: boolean = true): Promise<void> {
if (cid.includes('||')) {
await Promise.all(cid.split('||').map(i => {
message: 'coot_command',
command: "add_to_non_drawn_bonds",
returnType: 'status',
commandArgs: [this.molNo, i],
}, false)
} else {
await this.commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
message: 'coot_command',
command: "add_to_non_drawn_bonds",
returnType: 'status',
commandArgs: [this.molNo, cid],
}, false)
// We want a list with the CID ranges (e.g. //A/1-10)
if (cid.includes("||")) {
} else {
// We also want a list with individual residue CIDs
const cidVect = window.CCP4Module.parse_multi_cids(this.gemmiStructure, cid)
const cidVectSize = cidVect.size()
for (let i = 0; i < cidVectSize; i++) {
const cid = cidVect.get(i)
// Redraw to apply changes
if (redraw) {
await this.redraw()
* Unhide all the molecule representations
* @param {boolean} [redraw=true] - Indicates if the molecule should be redrawn
async unhideAll(redraw: boolean = true) {
await this.commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
message: 'coot_command',
command: "clear_non_drawn_bonds",
returnType: 'status',
commandArgs: [this.molNo],
}, false)
this.excludedSelections = []
this.excludedCids = []
if (redraw) {
await this.redraw()
* Run rigid body fitting
* @param {string} cidsString - Residue CID selection
* @param {number} mapNo - Map number that should be used
async rigidBodyFit(cidsString: string, mapNo: number, redraw: boolean = true): Promise<void> {
await this.commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
command: "rigid_body_fit",
returnType: 'status',
commandArgs: [this.molNo, cidsString, mapNo],
changesMolecules: [this.molNo]
}, true)
if (redraw) {
await this.redraw()
* Generate self restraints
* @param {string} [cid="//"] The CID for local restraints
* @param {number} [maxRadius=4.2] The maximum radius for the restraints
async generateSelfRestraints(cid: string = "//", maxRadius: number = 4.2): Promise<void> {
await this.commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
command: "generate_local_self_restraints",
returnType: 'status',
commandArgs: [this.molNo, maxRadius, cid],
}, false)
this.restraints.push({ maxRadius, cid })
* Clear all additional restraints
clearExtraRestraints(): Promise<moorhen.WorkerResponse> {
this.restraints = []
return this.commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
command: "clear_extra_restraints",
returnType: 'status',
commandArgs: [this.molNo],
}, false)
* Refine a set of residues
* @param {string} cid - The CID selection with the atoms that should be refined
* @param {string} mode - Refinement mode (SINGLE, TRIPLE ...etc.)
* @param {number} [ncyc=4000] - Number of refinement cycles
* @param {boolean} [redraw=true] - Indicates if the molecule should be redrawn
async refineResiduesUsingAtomCid(cid: string, mode: string, ncyc: number = 4000, redraw: boolean = true): Promise<void> {
await this.commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
command: "refine_residues_using_atom_cid",
returnType: 'status',
commandArgs: [this.molNo, cid, mode, ncyc],
changesMolecules: [this.molNo]
}, true)
if (redraw) {
await this.redraw()
* Refine a residue range
* @param {string} chainId - The chain ID for the residue range
* @param {string} start - First residue number in the range
* @param {string} stop - Last residue number in the range
* @param {number} [ncyc=4000] - Number of refinement cycles
* @param {boolean} [redraw=true] - Indicates if the molecule should be redrawn
async refineResidueRange(chainId: string, start: number, stop: number, ncyc: number = 4000, redraw: boolean = true): Promise<void> {
await this.commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
returnType: "status",
command: 'refine_residue_range',
commandArgs: [this.molNo, chainId, start, stop, ncyc],
changesMolecules: [this.molNo]
}, true)
if (redraw) {
await this.redraw()
* Refine a residue CID with animation
* @param {string[]} cid - The CID selection used to create the fragment
* @param {moorhen.Map} activeMap - The map instance used in the refinement
* @param {number} dist - The maximum distance used to get neighboring residues for the refinement. Use -1 for literal CID instead of neighbours.
* @param {boolean} redraw - Indicate if the molecules should be redrawn
* @param {boolean} redrawFragmentFirst - Indicate if the fragment should be redrawn first
async refineResiduesUsingAtomCidAnimated(cid: string, activeMap: moorhen.Map, dist: number = 6, redraw: boolean = true, redrawFragmentFirst: boolean = true) {
let cidList: string[]
if (dist <= 0) {
cidList = [cid]
} else {
cidList = await this.getNeighborResiduesCids(cid, dist)
const newMolecule = await this.copyFragmentForRefinement(cidList, activeMap, redraw, redrawFragmentFirst)
await newMolecule.animateRefine(50, 30, 50)
await this.mergeFragmentFromRefinement(cidList.join('||'), newMolecule, true, true)
* Refine a molecule with animation effect
* @param {number} n_cyc - The total number of refinement cycles for each iteration
* @param {number} n_iteration - The number of iterations
* @param {number} [final_n_cyc=100] - Number of refinement cycles in the last iteration
async animateRefine(n_cyc: number, n_iteration: number, final_n_cyc: number = 100) {
for (let i = 0; i <= n_iteration; i++) {
const result = await this.commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
returnType: 'status_instanced_mesh_pair',
command: 'refine',
commandArgs: [this.molNo, i !== n_iteration ? n_cyc : final_n_cyc]
}, false) as moorhen.WorkerResponse<{ status: number; mesh: libcootApi.InstancedMeshJS[]; }>
if ( !== -2) {
if (i !== n_iteration) {
await this.drawWithStyleFromMesh('CBs', [])
await this.fetchIfDirtyAndDraw('CBs')
* Delete residues in a given CID
* @param {string} cid - The CID to delete
* @param {boolean} [redraw=true] - Indicates if the molecule should be redrawn
* @returns {object} - A pair where first is the return status and second is the atom count of the molecule after deletion
async deleteCid(cid: string, redraw: boolean = true): Promise<libcootApi.PairType<number, number>> {
const result = await this.commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
returnType: "status",
command: "delete_using_cid",
commandArgs: [this.molNo, cid, "LITERAL"],
changesMolecules: [this.molNo]
}, true) as moorhen.WorkerResponse<libcootApi.PairType<number, number>>
if (redraw) {
await this.redraw()
* Use SSM to superpose this molecule (as the moving structure) with another molecule isntance
* @param {string} movChainId - Chain ID for the moving structure
* @param {string} refMolNo - Molecule number for the reference structure
* @param {string} refChainId - Chain ID for the reference structure
* @param {boolean} [redraw=true] - Indicates if the molecule should be redrawn
async SSMSuperpose(movChainId: string, refMolNo: number, refChainId: string, redraw: boolean = true): Promise<void> {
command: "SSM_superpose",
returnType: 'superpose_results',
commandArgs: [refMolNo, refChainId, this.molNo, movChainId],
changesMolecules: [this.molNo]
}, true)
if (redraw) {
await this.redraw()
await this.centreOn('/*/*/*/*', true)
* Use LSQKB to superpose this molecule (as the moving structure) with another molecule isntance
* @param {string} refMolNo - Molecule number for the reference structure
* @param {moorhen.lskqbResidueRangeMatch[]} residueMatches - A list of objects describing the residue matches for LSQKB
* @param {number} [matchType=1] - The match type for LSQKB: 0 - all | 1 - main | 2 - CAs
* @param {boolean} [redraw=true] - Indicates if the molecule should be redrawn
async lsqkbSuperpose(refMolNo: number, residueMatches: moorhen.lskqbResidueRangeMatch[], matchType: number = 1, redraw: boolean = true): Promise<void> {
await this.commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
command: 'clear_lsq_matches',
commandArgs: [ ],
returnType: 'status'
}, false)
await Promise.all( => {
return this.commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
command: 'add_lsq_superpose_match',
commandArgs: [item.refChainId, ...item.refResidueRange, item.movChainId, ...item.movResidueRange, matchType],
returnType: 'status'
}, false)
await this.commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
command: 'lsq_superpose',
commandArgs: [refMolNo, this.molNo],
returnType: 'status'
}, false)
if (redraw) {
await this.redraw()
await this.centreOn('/*/*/*/*', true)
* A function to fit a given ligand
* @param {number} mapMolNo - The map iMol that will be used for ligand fitting
* @param {number} ligandMolNo - The ligand iMol that will be fitted
* @param {boolean} [fitRightHere=true] - Indicates if the ligand should be fitted at the current origin
* @param {boolean} [redraw=false] - Indicates if the fitted ligands should be drawn
* @param {boolean} [useConformers=false] - Indicates if there is need to test multiple conformers
* @param {number} [conformerCount=0] - Conformer count
* @returns {Promise<moorhen.Molecule[]>} - A list of fitted ligands
async fitLigand(mapMolNo: number, ligandMolNo: number, fitRightHere: boolean = true, redraw: boolean = false, useConformers: boolean = false, conformerCount: number = 0): Promise<moorhen.Molecule[]> {
let newMolecules: moorhen.Molecule[] = []
const command = fitRightHere ? 'fit_ligand_right_here' : 'fit_ligand'
const returnType = fitRightHere ? 'int_array' : 'fit_ligand_info_array'
const commandArgs = fitRightHere ? [
this.molNo, mapMolNo, ligandMolNo, => -coord),
1., useConformers, conformerCount
] : [
this.molNo, mapMolNo, ligandMolNo,
1., useConformers, conformerCount
const result = await this.commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
returnType: returnType,
command: command,
commandArgs: commandArgs,
changesMolecules: [this.molNo]
}, true) as moorhen.WorkerResponse<(number[] | libcootApi.fitLigandInfo[])>
if ( === "Completed") {
newMolecules = await Promise.all( (fitLigandResult: (number | libcootApi.fitLigandInfo), idx: number) => {
const newMolecule = new MoorhenMolecule(this.commandCentre, this.glRef,, this.monomerLibraryPath)
newMolecule.molNo = fitRightHere ? fitLigandResult as number : (fitLigandResult as libcootApi.fitLigandInfo).imol = `Fit. lig. #${idx + 1}`
newMolecule.isDarkBackground = this.isDarkBackground
newMolecule.defaultBondOptions = this.defaultBondOptions
if (redraw) {
await newMolecule.fetchIfDirtyAndDraw('CBs')
return newMolecule
} else {
console.warn('Something went wrong when finding ligands...')
return newMolecules
* Get information about the residue B-factors
* @returns {object[]} An array of objects indicating the residue CID and B-factor
getResidueBFactors() {
let result: { cid: string; bFactor: number; normalised_bFactor: number }[] = []
const resBfactorInfoVec = window.CCP4Module.get_structure_bfactors(this.gemmiStructure)
const resBfactorInfoVecSize = resBfactorInfoVec.size()
for (let i = 0; i < resBfactorInfoVecSize; i++) {
const resInfo = resBfactorInfoVec.get(i)
return result
* Get chain IDs that are related by NCS or molecular symmetry
* @returns {string[][]} An array of arrays where chain IDs are grouped together
async getNcsRelatedChains(): Promise<string[][]> {
const result = await this.commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
returnType: 'string_array_array',
command: 'get_ncs_related_chains',
commandArgs: [this.molNo]
}, false) as moorhen.WorkerResponse<string[][]>
* A function to get the number of atoms in the current molecule
* @returns {Promise<number>} The number of atoms in the molecule
async getNumberOfAtoms(): Promise<number> {
const result = await this.commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
returnType: 'int',
command: 'get_number_of_atoms',
commandArgs: [this.molNo],
}, false) as moorhen.WorkerResponse<number>
this.atomCount =
* Move the molecule to a new position
* @param {number} x - Coordinate X
* @param {number} y - Coordinate Y
* @param {number} z - Coordinate Z
async moveMoleculeHere(x: number, y: number, z: number): Promise<void> {
await this.commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
returnType: 'int',
command: 'move_molecule_to_new_centre',
commandArgs: [this.molNo, x, y, z],
}, false) as moorhen.WorkerResponse<number>
await this.redraw()
* Parse a CID selection into a residue selection object
* @param {string} cid - The CID selection
* @returns {object} An object for the residue selection
async parseCidIntoSelection(cid: string): Promise<moorhen.ResidueSelection> {
const selectionAtoms = await this.gemmiAtomsForCid(cid)
if (!selectionAtoms || selectionAtoms.length === 0) {
console.warn(`Specified CID resulted in no residue selection: ${cid}`)
return {
molecule: this,
first: parseAtomInfoLabel(selectionAtoms[0]),
second: parseAtomInfoLabel(selectionAtoms[selectionAtoms.length - 1]),
isMultiCid: cid.includes('||'),
cid: cid.includes('||') ? cid.split('||') : cid,
label: cid
* Test whether an atom selection is valid
* @param {string} cid - The CID selection
* @returns {boolean} Whether the selection is valid
async isValidSelection(cid: string): Promise<boolean> {
try {
const selectedAtoms = await this.gemmiAtomsForCid(cid)
if (!selectedAtoms || selectedAtoms.length === 0) {
return false
} catch (error) {
return false
return true
* Get the CIDs of residues not included in the input CID
* @param {string} cid - The input CID selection
* @returns {string[]} An array of CIDs for the residue ranges not included in the input CID
getNonSelectedCids(cid: string): string[] {
let result: string[] = []
const nonSelectedCidVec = window.CCP4Module.get_non_selected_cids(this.gemmiStructure, cid)
const nonSelectedCidVecSize = nonSelectedCidVec.size()
for (let i = 0; i < nonSelectedCidVecSize; i++) {
const iCid = nonSelectedCidVec.get(i)
return result
* Get the secondary structure information for the residues in the current molecule
* @param {number} modelNumber - The model number to extract secondary structure information from
* @returns {object[]} An array of objects containing the secondary structure information for each residue
async getSecondaryStructInfo(modelNumber: number = 1): Promise<libcootApi.ResidueSpecJS[]> {
const secondaryStructInfoVec = await this.commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
returnType: 'residue_specs',
command: 'GetSecondaryStructure',
commandArgs: [ this.molNo, modelNumber ],
}, false) as moorhen.WorkerResponse<libcootApi.ResidueSpecJS[]>
* Export the current molecule as a gltf file in binary format
* @param {string} representationId - The id of the representation to export
* @returns {ArrayBuffer} - The contents of the gltf file in binary format
async exportAsGltf(representationId: string): Promise<ArrayBuffer> {
const selectedRepresentation = this.representations.find(item => item.uniqueId === representationId)
if (selectedRepresentation) {
const fileContents = await selectedRepresentation.exportAsGltf()
return fileContents
} else {
console.warn(`Could not find representation with id ${representationId}`)
* Get results of privateer validation for this molecule instance
* @param {boolean} useCache - Whether to use the cached results or not
* @returns {Promise<privateer.ResultsEntry[]>} A list of results from privateer validation
async getPrivateerValidation(useCache: boolean = false): Promise<privateer.ResultsEntry[]> {
if (useCache && this.cachedPrivateerValidation && !this.atomsDirty) {
return this.cachedPrivateerValidation
const result = await this.commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
command: 'privateer_validate',
commandArgs: [this.molNo],
returnType: 'privateer_results'
}, false) as moorhen.WorkerResponse<privateer.ResultsEntry[]>
if (useCache) {
this.cachedPrivateerValidation =
* Get SVG descriptions for the ligands in this molecule instance
* @param {string} resName - The name of the ligand to get SVG descriptions for
* @param {boolean} useCache - Whether to use the cached results or not
* @returns {Promise<string[]>} A list of SVG descriptions for the ligands in this molecule instance
async getLigandSVG(resName: string, useCache: boolean = false): Promise<string> {
if (useCache && this.cachedLigandSVGs && !this.atomsDirty && resName in this.cachedLigandSVGs) {
return this.cachedLigandSVGs[resName]
const state =
const isDark = state.sceneSettings.isDark
const result = await this.commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
returnType: "string",
command: 'get_svg_for_residue_type',
commandArgs: [this.molNo, resName, false, isDark],
}, false) as moorhen.WorkerResponse<string>
const ligandSVG = formatLigandSVG(
if (useCache && ligandSVG !== `No dictionary for ${resName}`) {
this.cachedLigandSVGs = { ...this.cachedLigandSVGs, [resName]: ligandSVG }
return ligandSVG
* Change the ID of a given chain
* @param {string} oldId - The old chain ID
* @param {string} newId - The new chain ID
* @param {number} startResNo - The start residue number
* @param {number} endResNo - The end residue number
* @returns {number} - Status code -1 on a conflict, 1 on good, 0 on did nothing
async changeChainId(oldId: string, newId: string, redraw: boolean = false, startResNo?: number, endResNo?: number): Promise<number> {
const status = await this.commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
returnType: 'pair_int_str',
command: 'change_chain_id',
commandArgs: [ this.molNo, oldId, newId, (startResNo !== undefined && endResNo !== undefined), startResNo ? startResNo : 0, endResNo ? endResNo : 0 ],
}, false) as moorhen.WorkerResponse<{first: number; second: string}>
if ( === 1) {
// If the chain is new, then we need to create a random colour rule for it...
const selectedColour = getRandomMoleculeColour()
this.addColourRule('chain', `//${newId}`, selectedColour, [`//${newId}`, selectedColour])
if (redraw) {
await this.redraw()
} else {
console.warn(`change_chain_id returned status ${}`)
* Split a molecule with multiple models into separate molecules (one for each model)
* @param {boolean} [draw=false] - Indicates whether the new molecules should be drawn
* @returns {moorhen.Molecule[]} - A list with the new molecules
async splitMultiModels(draw: boolean = false): Promise<moorhen.Molecule[]> {
const result = await this.commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
returnType: 'int_array',
command: 'split_multi_model_molecule',
commandArgs: [ this.molNo ],
}, false) as moorhen.WorkerResponse<number[]>
if ( === 'Completed') {
if (draw) {
return await Promise.all( (molNo, index) => {
const newMolecule = new MoorhenMolecule(this.commandCentre, this.glRef,, this.monomerLibraryPath) = `${}-${index+1}`
newMolecule.molNo = molNo
await this.transferMetaData(newMolecule)
await newMolecule.fetchDefaultColourRules()
if (draw) {
await newMolecule.fetchIfDirtyAndDraw('CBs')
return newMolecule
else {
* Minimize the energy of a given set of residues (usually a ligand)
* @param cid - The CID for the input residues
* @param ncyc - The number of cycles
* @param nIterations - The number of iterations
* @param useRamaRestraints - Indicates whether ramachandran restraints should be used
* @param ramaWeight - Indicates the weight assigned to ramachandran restraints
* @param useTorsionRestraints - Indicates whether torsion restraints should be used
* @param torsionWeight - Indicates the weight assigned to torsion restraints
async minimizeEnergyUsingCidAnimated(cid: string, ncyc: number, nIterations: number, useRamaRestraints: boolean, ramaWeight: number, useTorsionRestraints: boolean, torsionWeight: number) {
const commandArgs = [
for (let i = 0; i < nIterations; i++) {
const result = await this.commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
command: 'minimize_energy',
commandArgs: commandArgs,
returnType: 'status_instanced_mesh_pair',
}, false) as moorhen.WorkerResponse<{status: number; mesh: libcootApi.InstancedMeshJS}>
if ( !== -2) {
} else {
await this.drawWithStyleFromMesh('CBs', [])
await this.redraw()
* Fetch header information for this molecule instance
* @param {boolean} useCache - Whether to use the cached results or not
* @returns {Promise<libcootApi.headerInfoJS>} Object containing header information
async fetchHeaderInfo(useCache: boolean = true): Promise<libcootApi.headerInfoJS> {
if (useCache && this.headerInfo !== null) {
return this.headerInfo
const headerInfo = await this.commandCentre.current.cootCommand({
command: 'get_header_info',
commandArgs: [ this.molNo ],
returnType: 'header_info_t',
}, false) as moorhen.WorkerResponse<libcootApi.headerInfoJS>
if (useCache) {
this.headerInfo =